Christmas is a comin' and I love making this time of year special for people.  By now, if you have been following my blog ... you know how much I love Alan Davis knives.  Each of the 66 knives I have (to date) bought from Alan have been uniquely different and special.  Some are ornately beautiful.  Others are solid workers.  All are expertly crafted totally by hand.  I will be conducting a give-a-way for an Alan Davis custom knife.  Specifics on how to enter will be contained in my Alan Davis Knife blog post on November 19th.  Winner will be selected on November 25th. So, be sure to check my Alan Davis blog on November 19th!!!

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Leave it to the gubmint to take something wonderful and screw it up!

LOL, Ricky I know your foaming at the mouth (because I know I would be)

Congrats Ricky! Very generous Dennis! Can't wait to see pics.

Dang Ricky!  Your carrier needs a good talking to!!  Fortunately, I know the carrier here in my little town and HE knows how many knives I get.  He never lets me down ... then again, he also realizes that I have gone as far as canceling a doctor's appointment when I am expecting a knife!!!

LOL Dennis, YUP!!

Well, the mailman tested my patience, but it was worth the wait. When I got home last night, this little beauty was waiting for me. I had to go out this morning in the natural light and get a few photos. This is a beautiful custom, and my photos still don't do it justice.

Thanks again Dennis, this has certainly brightened my Christmas! You have done a very generous thing with this giveaway!

So glad you like it Ricky!  Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas.

Congrats again Ricky!  Thanks for showing us the beauty at his new home!


May all your Christmas dreams come true!

Very nice Ricky, congratulations!  Very generous of you Dennis.

Merry Christmas to all

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