What do you guys think about actually having iKC mugs, shirts, hats etc.  Of course to cover cost of this we would have to have enough pre-orders to warrant acutally doing this.  I thought it might be a neat and worth while idea.  If we have enough interest we could always all submit a few designs for them and see what we all like.

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It doesn't really appeal to me personally. It would also depend on what it would be. If it were something unique then it'd be interesting.


On the other hand if it'd be t-shirts/mugs/caps etc. I've got plenty of those already and wouldn't spend money on new ones just because they have a logo and a web-address on them.


I like the idea of a forum knife for instance, or a forum...spork?....or something along those lines.

The forum spork idea made me laugh but then again I do have a titanium spork from Think Geek and its pretty cool.  I do like those ideas though and think that more unique items would be better, they would fit the community here better.  Anyone else have any ideas towards what we could do, if they feel this is a worth while idea.
Guys we've been down this road before. Y'all need to check with Hog Hanner about the project.

@Robert... didn't realize we had been down this road before.. and based on the responses or lack there of I see this isnt something to pursue.


@Don... I was just thinking maybe a shirt to wear to shows and such but the LL Bean of knife souvenirs... that is BRILLIANT.  I say we start thinking big... baby cloths, sun glasses, aluminum walking sticks, compasses, water bottles, deck shoes, bottle openers and whatever else we could use to pawn off on people for 100 times what it cost to make just because it has an iKC logo on it.  I say we push operation iKC Outlet Retailers into overdrive and get this thing started.

Kit, We were set up to order stuff through a vendor  who would handle ordering, shipping etc. In other words a virtual store. Where we had an issue is you have to provide artwork for each item and it has to be in a certain format. That artwork can only come from Scott King and so far with his other commitments he has not gotten the artwork together. So for at least now we don't have a way to move forward. 

iKC Club knives also fall in same category. Although I still hope we might find a solution there as I think we have some flexibility.

Let me know what format it needs to be in.  If it is vector format (which is usually what is needed) or a certain dpi I can put all that together.  Let me know the details and I will let you know if I am able to help out.


You forget drink holders!!!

Well I usually do... my beer never lasts long enough to get warm ;)


I still like the idea of the TShirts to wear to shows, it brings people here.  Maybe we could do a transition knife, a 2011/2012 year knife?
How about iKC knife stands? An iKC knife would be a challenge with all of the different user groups - might still be fun to try though! I know GEC has made knives for another well known forum.


Hope we did not dicourage you.  I appreciate that you are willing to work with the artwork for us

No, never discouraged, I did after all put this up to see if anyone liked the idea.  The only thing that would have maybe discouraged me is if I had already drawn up several items and nothing happening.


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