a while back  I was involved in an iKC chat session about this knife or a knife similar to this knife.  Then I saw it up for bid on eBay and  despite the price, I just had to go for it.    If anyone remembers the chat you probably know why i had to have it.  Anyway they were made by Fury.  The build is actually quite good.  I might do a little additional painting or customizing to make it look a little more life like.  But at the end of the day, this is an impulse buy I'm pretty happy with.  Paid $10 plus shipping.  I have no idea when Fury was making these but the original price was $22.

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Oh yes I remember the whole thing pretty well. This  guy would turn up every so often claiming the eyes were following him LOL Oh boy well we only could take so much of him ...I think he is off on other Forums doing the same stuff lol.

Glad you found the real thing though..somehow the part about it being Fury never came out before!

That is an interesting pc. That's something you won't see everyday.

Steve, that was a completely different knife. I also remember that fellow. He took a liking to me and was sending me messages until I cut him short in one of the messages and he just disappeared. This is a more interesting piece. Tobias, it's very cool and would definitely liven up any collection. I'm a little surprised you bought it since it doesn't have a bail.  LOL

Chuck, it doesn't have a bail but it has a little latch so you can hang it on the wall.  It would be cooler if it had a fancier blade with like a saw back or gut hook.  This build is actually surprisingly good.  The blade is sharp enough to shave hair off your arm!

Hey Tobias, that is some knife - I think.

Do you think he got the $100 000 he was looking for for that other knife with the roving eyes?? LOL I offered him $20 for that knife...he didn't seem to happy with my offer.

Chuck Parham said:

Steve, that was a completely different knife. I also remember that fellow. He took a liking to me and was sending me messages until I cut him short in one of the messages and he just disappeared. This is a more interesting piece. Tobias, it's very cool and would definitely liven up any collection. I'm a little surprised you bought it since it doesn't have a bail.  LOL

Day four of the "Evil Spirit" pory knife: 

Last night I hung the "Evil Spirit" pory knife  on the wall in the man cave but this morning when I awoke, it was next to the alarm clocking, the evil eyes staring at me; the grin even more pronounced -- the acrid smell of burnt flesh wafted in the air!

Burnt smell?? That oughtta raise the value to $110 000!!! Mwahahaha

What gets me most about the old discussion is the guy was trying to pass it off  South American knife used for Human Sacrifice! 

The fact that it had a stainless steel blade was a clear clue that it wasn't that old!  The fact that it didn't have a stone blade was a clear sign it could not be from the Inca period. He dismissed that argument!

He said the knife was  "other worldly" aspects of the knife.  It was made of some kind of strange material he had never seen before. Ancient Aliens must have brought it to Earth!  -- Yep that's how we finally figured out how to make stainless steel and resin plastics!

The only thing other worldly is that the figures resemble an Eastern European Gnome and a  Dragon!  If it came from Central or South American it would have other types of faces carved into it and the dragon would be some type of serpent!  I also think you would be able to find similar examples in museum dedicated to Pre-Columbian America.

Even the "stones" on this knife are geared to European thought of the elements Red = Fire; Blue = Water; Green = Earth; Yellow = Air (sun).

I'd assume Fury marketed it to the Dungeons & Dragons crowd as a Protection Gnome  designed for hanging in an area to guard against danger.  If they didn't, they should have!

Toby, it sounds to me like you've got a genuine honest to goodness, original replica of an alien visitor souvenier on your hands. The only thing you have to decide is does it have an official ancient curse residing within the imitation stainless steel, otherwise know as distant meteorite (Kryptonite?) blade. Good luck and keep us posted. If you mysteriously vanish we'll consider you are searching for the truth where "NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE".

klaatu barada nikto

Yea, well Bruce Cambell screwed that one up in Army Of Darkness, which I love watching when it's on. At least Michael Rennie got it right on The Day The Earth Stood Still or the robot would have zapped them all.


White River Knives

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