I think we need to get a jump on this, so those people who have to plan ahead to purchase one can do so.

Let us discuss and then lockdown a pattern/design, get it priced out and ordered. Buying a knife around the winter holidays is difficult for everyone.

My vote is for a jack/mtnman/barlow-esque pattern Large (or Medium)

Stag/Bone/Burl wood

One/two blades

I would prefer Carbon blades, but an exotic SS is fine.


Views: 4544

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Thanks Jan for your continued efforts on this project and to J.Mutz and Brad! Everyone that is going to make this happen Thanks!!

I Like it and think it will be Fantastic addition to my collection! Well Done!


I just confirmed my commitment via a reply to your email. I love the final design  I would ask if the Blade etch could be just a little bit higher on the blade.

Let me know when I can close this Discussion. This will be a good one for the Archives.

I also agree and disagree.  I have offered some ideas that I have a stronger appeal--but that's personal--and this is for everyone, a nice compromise (that could be an example for us elephants) that has considered all our personal inputs, has been fun (if we do choose to finally agree) and educational at the same time--educational in that we can remember these opinions and lessons for next year.  We could even solicit discussions from members and bids to consider from makers at an occasional, calm pace.  Anyway, I know we are still working out the details, but here's a toast to all who made input, all others who considered and made input on brother/sister collector inputs and especially to Jan who had a positive response to each, kept the peace, and kept us on track.

One question--would Mr Mutz like to make as many as ordered if given extra time?

Also, welcome, Hank

I concur, the tang stamp is preferable over the blade etch. Having the blade etch is not important to me, but if the majority wants one, so be it. I'm excited!!!!!

Bob Biggs said:

As long as there is the stamp on the tang i am not bothered as i prefer a clean blade,but that is just me, i am sure whatever Jeff produces will be a proper job and i can hardly wait....

Some, low-down scoundrel bid and won this auction with 2 seconds left. I despise that practice. On the bright side, I am half way to have the money set aside for the 2013 iKC J. Mutz custom.

No, that still doesn't make me feel better. I dislike eBay "snipers"!!!!

Brad T. said:

Ahh geez!!!

Does this mean I have to stop buying from eBay to save up the $110? Because there is a really suweeeet Shapleigh Teardrop Jack for auction ending tomorrow morning, I wants it.

I wonder if he would let me come by to take some pics during the production? But, that would depend on getting out of any "Honey-Do" chores.

Exactly, Nibs.

2013 is set.  Plenty of time to begin 2014, and gathering up the salient points, perhaps weighted with agreements on this or that style from this discussion, can be the basis of discussion of the 2014 knife.

frank (nibs) dorman said:

I also agree and disagree.  I have offered some ideas that I have a stronger appeal--but that's personal--and this is for everyone, a nice compromise (that could be an example for us elephants) that has considered all our personal inputs, has been fun (if we do choose to finally agree) and educational at the same time--educational in that we can remember these opinions and lessons for next year.  We could even solicit discussions from members and bids to consider from makers at an occasional, calm pace.  Anyway, I know we are still working out the details, but here's a toast to all who made input, all others who considered and made input on brother/sister collector inputs and especially to Jan who had a positive response to each, kept the peace, and kept us on track.

One question--would Mr Mutz like to make as many as ordered if given extra time?

Also, welcome, Hank

Thank you all again for your interest and for making this discussion fun!

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