Does anyone have any DVD's on how to make knives such as putting on handles and such or know where to get any at a good price?  I'm just starting to get into adding handles to knives but would like to get deeper into it like making a knife from scratch.  I know about knifekits.com, usaknifemaker.com and premiumknifesupply.com.  Other then finding DVD's on ebay where they want around 89.00 for two DVD's on knife handles and guards I don't know if that is the going price for such videos.  I also make my own kydex sheaths as I'm sure most of the guys that make there own knives do but I do ok with that so I don't really need the help there but also I well never turn down free help.  Anyway any help well be greatly appreciated, thank you..  -Augie

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Augie the best thing you can do is watch as many videos as you can on YouTube. i have learned so much from there!


another good resource for info is from knife forums. you can ask them a question and get an answer the next day! they are full of guys who love to help. i frequent the Knife Network....  www.knifenetwork.com.


i have a short video i got when  i first started out... i will try to put it on YouTube for you.


try this website... http://www.rayrogers.com/index.htm  Ray is a great guy who is willing to help you if you send him a message.

http://home.earthlink.net/~donwrobinson/knifemakerssupplies/id1.html has videos for sale


good luck

Thanks for the info Jeff..

I have been looking and find some books available. YouTube is too hard to get to a lot and I would really prefer a DVD or a book.Something I can sit down with and study. Others may have a different opinion.

Hello Augie,

I have purchased a lot of Books and DVD's from various places on the net. One of my favorite teachers is Jim Ferguson at http://www.howtomakeaknife.net  The Knife Kit Finishing DVD is about knife handles and a great place to start.

http://www.shopblade.com/category/cds-dvds-videos is having a 50% off sale right now.


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