Over the years of collecting and hanging around with collectors and sellers, I have heard some doozy explanations to the "other half" as to why we bought that new knife.  I am ready for a few laughs, how about you?

So here is the deal for this month

The prize includes something for everyone.  

Tell me your BEST WHOPPER!  Honey I bought this new knife because.......

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By the way all three items are the prize :)

The contest ends at midnight est 2/13/15

Will there be a drawing to determine the winner or will the best (or worst depending on your view LOL) story be the winner?

Something like--- But honey, Tom Odell on Cutlery Corner said it was a real collectors item, A "First Production Run" !! It's an investment towards our retirement- It'll go in the safe deposit box along with our Nascar collector plates !!!

Or how about~~~ There are boy's toys and girl's toys--- Wife asks, "Why did you buy another new knife?? Didn't the last knife cut anything?? Husbands reply-- Why did you buy a new bedspread ?? Didn't the last bedspread keep us warm ?? 

Wife - Why do you need another whittler?
Husband - I need a spare.
Wife - I thought the last one was a spare?
Husband - No Hon, the last one was my backup.

LOL. keep em coming!
Charles I think I will have a third party judge them

Honey, I bought this new knife because I knew you would want me to be happy. Since we have three teenage kids in the house, you are limited on ways of keeping me happy, I knew you wouldn't mind. Since I know you want me to be real happy, I bought a real nice knife.

[in my best Boston accent]  "Honey, this is the knife that poor boy used to deflate the ball.  He asked me to keep it secure while he confessed to letting the air out of that ball.  He knew someone would take it from him as "evidence," but he was afraid it would be used as proof against Tom Brady, who we all know is a hero.  A frickin' national hero.  And so is that boy, standin' up for Tom Brady like that.  This hero of a boy, he said he needed the money to go into hiding, or to hire a lawyer or something like that -- I wasn't going to question it, he's a frickin' hero, just like our boy Tom Brady.  A wicked frickin' hero.  I didn't buy the knife, it was a frickin' donation, to a most worthwhile cause, Honey, a wicked worthwhile cause.  And I'm sure you'll agree with me on that.  You can't argue against a hero.  Don't argue against a hero, it's just not patriotic.  Don't be unpatriotic, Honey. "

DLKG, ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!

all the years I have been hearing reasonings for buying another knife, something like this never came up.  I laughed so hard I cried!

My partner is a born again Christian, so I just say "But Jesus was a carpenter, he used lots of knives, I'm just trying to be more Christ like". Works like a charm.

LOL, hard to have a negative come back for that one

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