Howdy Boys,
Been a tad remiss on checking in here -that time of year for me.  But I got an email from iKnife / Miss Ruth this AM.  She seems very anxious to be my friend for vague reasons, And it seems that I need to send her my email and contact info.
Anyone else had such an invite?  If so, I suspect some kind'a fraud.  Heads up knifers!

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And another anita00. Me thinks we are under attack.

Gerald Hines said:
Now Miss Ruth has a new friend. koya konan has joined the fray.
Perhaps we should take down the RED LIGHT at the end of EASY STREET?

Congrats to all those weird emails...Bill Harvey now has The Worlds Most Popular Blog!(Just figured I'd post something feelin left out no emails)
Hey Steve, next time I hear from one of Miss Ruth friends, I'll forward the message to you.

Anyone else catch the real funny part, yesterday.
Had two of them "workin' girls" move in and started sending out their messages. Well when the second one (anitaOO) moved in she sent the first one (akoya konan) message. Maybe they hooked up after Scott sent em packing.
My gracious- who invited all these ladies? Guess due to the heavy concentration of guys here word got out ;)

I am deleting fast as I can... :)
could you bring them back scott? kinda miss them............:)
thanks scott, you bring them back!

My name is Sofia, I saw your profile here at (iknifecollector.com) and i was very interested to know you more, I believe knowing each other will bring joy and blessing to us, and we will be able to establish a good relationship that will last for a long time, you can send back through my mail-box here (sofiro2010@yahoo.com) so I can send my picture to you and tell you more about myself, God bless you.
Miss Sofia

Don Reeves said:
wrong place this one is sofia

falah gumilar said:
thanks scott, you bring them back!

My name is Sofia, I saw your profile here at (iknifecollector.com) and i was very interested to know you more, I believe knowing each other will bring joy and blessing to us, and we will be able to establish a good relationship that will last for a long time, you can send back through my mail-box here (sofiro2010@yahoo.com) so I can send my picture to you and tell you more about myself, God bless you.
Miss Sofia

my bad. LOL
Don Reeves said:
wrong place this one is sofia

Somehow I still hear "Whole Lotta Rosie", whenever any of her friends show up.
Hey fellow Knifers, I also got a similar email from jane.jane1@yahoo.com a couple days after I joined the group. She got her contact information about me from this groups web site profile, however I could not comment back to her using the iKC link as I had done with true members. She claimed she had pictures, but none were posted, At first I thought this was from a dating service, but it appears to be some kind of scam for identity or donations to some non-existent fund. BEWARE and stay sharp.
I'm no computer whiz, but it looks like they use different sites to send out thier "I want to be your friend..." messages in hopes that you will visit another link. Pretty sure that the reason you could not comment back to her was that Scott had removed her from the member list.
Other than being highly annoying, it is kind of fun seing how many different stories these folks can come up with.
Hey J.J.!! These are drastic times we live in and we all need to be on guard 24/7 and trust only those you have a total confidence level with. Stay Sharp!

J.J. Smith III said:
I'm no computer whiz, but it looks like they use different sites to send out thier "I want to be your friend..." messages in hopes that you will visit another link. Pretty sure that the reason you could not comment back to her was that Scott had removed her from the member list.
Other than being highly annoying, it is kind of fun seing how many different stories these folks can come up with.


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