This is an unusual picture.  I have many pictures of deer and several of coyotes.  But never both in the same picture.  In this one the coyote is apparently chasing the deer.  And it is a black coyote.


This doe is slightly pregnant.


And the bucks are starting to grow their antlers.

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Louisiana use to not have Coyotes, now there everywhere. When they first arrived, I thought it was just another wildlife species, that would eat a few animals and birds. Little did I know, they would wipe out rabbits in some areas, they would hurt the deer population, we would have to take special care for our sheep and goats, our chickens could no longer roam free but when they came in my yard and started killing my childerns pet dogs, I drew the line in the dirt. Since then, I have killed a many coyote, I have their number. They messed with the wrong  Coon-A--s, when they killed my childs pets.

That's a shame Robert. Worst pest we have is Squirrels. LOL! Though we DO get Foxes that just pass through.

Thanks for the interesting pix. About 35 years ago my wife Kathy and I were members of an astronomy club that had a site halfway to San Antonio, and on a typical weekend there would be thirty or more families out with their telescopes, all in strict pitch-black starry conditions. One night a pack of coyotes brought down a deer right on the edge of our clearing, hardly fifty yards from us city folks. The scene was played out by ear only, and comprised the most horrofic three minutes most of us had heard. After things got quiet a dozen groups packed up right then, and more left way before the night's observing was over. For several months afterward attendance was noticeably lower. That's the way a majority of deer meet their end. I hope you can bag more good pix with your amazing robot camera!

Great pictures Ken. Nice velvet buck.

Momma and 2 spotted Fawns

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