Another year has gone by and I, once again, found myself strolling down the isles of our local Wal-Mart and couldn't help notice all of the CHRISTMAS decorations prominently displayed!   It's not even Halloween yet and the stores are subjecting shoppers to Christmas marketing already!  Sheesh!  But ... it did prompt me to start thinking about a Christmas Giveaway.  Figured I would give everyone a heads up that I will do one (similar to previous years') next month (so that the winner will have gift in hand in plenty of time for Christmas, regardless of location).

So ... mark your calendars and check back around mid-November for the details.  The only stipulation for entry is that the giveaway will be open to those who have been a member for at least 6 months as of the date of my details post next month.  Not sure what I will pull from the collection for the giveaway, but will try to have a selection to choose from in an attempt to accommodate  knife laws in various locations.

To enter, visit this page on my web site.

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Congrats Floyd!! Awesome way to start December. And thanks so much to Dennis for giving everyone the chance at some pretty cool steel!

Grats, Floyd Jester. Nice choice.

Wonderful GAW, Dennis - thanks for the opportunity.

Merry Christmas to you both and to all.


Congrats to Floyd, and a big thank you to Dennis for a great GAW. 

Congrats Floyd and thank you Dennis for your generosity and kindness!


these are some sweet looking blsdes

Dennis Hibar said:

Here's a quick pic of this year's GAW knife selection:

I agree elbin, a hard time choosing because not a bad choice in the lot! A very generous gift.

Thanks again Dennis and  I hope you have a Great Holiday season !   Congrats Floyd !


CONGRATS !!  Now dont forget we want to see it enjoying it's new home :)

Pictures will follow for sure.

Congrat's on the Win. Beautiful knives.


Congratulations, Floyd!

Congrats Floyd!

Thank you for the chance Dennis! Once again, very generous of you. 

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