It is nearing that time of year again.  Figured I would give everyone a heads up that I will again be doing a Christmas giveaway ... with a special knife ... and a special contest!  Watch my daily status clues to see if you can guess what I have in store for you this year!

Mark your calendars and check back on 12 November for all the details.  The only stipulation for entry is that the giveaway will be open to those who have been members for at least 6 months prior to the start of the giveaway (joined on or before 12 May 2023).

***My Christmas GAW is now OPEN, see below.***

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Okay .... it's that time. I am again conducting a Christmas giveaway and it is now open to enter!  For 2023, am running a fun contest .... Barlow Bingo!

For complete details and instructions on how to enter, just go to this page on my web site.  Please note that I am becoming more lazy the older I get.  I don't create a page that lends itself very well for viewing on mobile devices ... so it is best to view on a computer!  If you can’t, here are the quick and dirty details with enough info to let you enter from this page (please read carefully):

1.  This GAW is open to all iKC members who joined on or prior to 12 May 2023.

2.  To enter the GAW, just submit an email using the information below under HOW TO ENTEROnly submit ONE email

3.  Last day for submission is Friday, November 24th, 2023.  Bingo calling will commence on Sunday, November 26th, 2023.  I will send each entrant a serialized bingo card by return email.  If you do not receive my return email and bingo card within 24 hours, let me know. Due to the complexity involved to ensure there is a winner within the time constraints of the contest, there is a limit of 30 entries/contestants. So make sure to enter the contest early enough to guarantee you get a card.

4.  While I will not hold anyone to the following, I would request that:  1) the winner post a photo of him/herself with the knife on iKC and 2) if the winner decides to sell the knife at some point, he/she consider donating a portion of the proceeds to either his/her local animal shelter or the Sloth Sanctuary


Send me an email using this THIS LINKUsing this link should correctly auto fill the subject lineIn the body of your message, include your name AND iKC user name.   If this link does not work or does not auto fill the subject line (might happen if your browser is not configured properly with an email handler), you can email me directly at dhibar@verizon.net AND make sure you put IKCGAW (ALL CAPS) in the subject line.  Just IKCGAW, nothing else.  This will filter the message to a hold mail box to make it easier for me to keep track of the receipt times.  Remember, in the body of your message, include your name and iKC user name.  Again .... only submit one email.  .

Here we go ......

The winner gets this custom Barlow made by Adam Vigil of Chino, CA :


Starting on November 26th, I will post two (2) numbers a day in the iKC Christmas Giveaway thread ... one in the morning and one in the afternoon (Eastern Time).  The numbers will be chosen randomly using random.org.  So, it is important you check the iKC site often.  This bingo will be a little different than traditional bingos.  The winner, instead of just getting the correct numbers to connect one row on their card horizontally, vertically or diagonally .... must get TWO rows.  Here are a few examples of various combinations (notice the center space is a "free" space):

First person to get a bingo by connecting two rows and posts "BINGO" in the iKC Christmas Giveaway thread wins.

Hi Dennis,

Guess I wasn't fast enough to enter the contest as I couldn't access through the link on your announcement.  Good luck to all who enter.  The knife looks really nice.


Hello Mr. Dennis.

Thanks for Offering the chance to get in on a Double BINGO win for a nice looking what appears to me to be a Rams Horn Barlow.  I never won much of anything &I don't figure things are going to change in that respect.  I am sure some one else will cherris your generous donation of this knife.  Good luck to All that play. May you have a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving Christmas and New Year.

Michael Bryant

That's a beauty! I'm in.

As of right now, still have plenty of Bingo cards available.  Someone asked me how the heck I put this together.  Well, wasn't easy.  Lots of moving parts.  I used an online Bingo Card generator to come up with 30 random number cards using 1-30 as the call numbers (that way, there will be a guaranteed Bingo winner (actually ... if it got to the point where every single number were drawn ... after 15 days, each card would have enough numbers to connect two rows).  I chose 30, since I normally don't have more than that entering my Christmas GAWs.  I then took the cards, which are serialized, 001-030 and dressed them up for Christmas and iKC.  I take each request for a card and log and mark it for that specific request.  On Nov 25th, I will use Random.org to come up with a randomized list of numbers from 1 - 30 and starting on Nov 26th, will begin posting two numbers a day (one morning, one afternoon) each day until someone gets and posts BINGO in this thread.  As specified in the GAW details in my initial post above, this is a two line bingo.  Since this is all random with a relatively low number count, it is quite possible for multiple people to connect two lines on their cards at the same time ... so posting BINGO first is critical!!!  Good luck to all!  The Knife Santa says that there is no such thing as being too naughty or nice to give it a go at Bingo!

Awesome giveaway, Merry Christmas!
Are you emailing us the bingo cards? This will be fun!

Yes Jody .... yours has just been sent.

Thanks so much!
How do I enter, not seeing anything for entry

Messaged you Roger.

BINGO...! ! ! !

Just practicing....LOL.......Best of luck to all who enter.  Thanks again Dennis for your generosity of the amazing knife and your time.

Cheers! ! !

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