It is nearing that time of year again.  Figured I would give everyone a heads up that I will again be doing a Christmas giveaway ... with a special knife ... and a special contest!  Watch my daily status clues to see if you can guess what I have in store for you this year!

Mark your calendars and check back on 12 November for all the details.  The only stipulation for entry is that the giveaway will be open to those who have been members for at least 6 months prior to the start of the giveaway (joined on or before 12 May 2023).

***My Christmas GAW is now OPEN, see below.***

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This is fun

And .... the next number is:  20

as a side note.  Will try to stay on top of posting numbers in the late morning/early evening ET ... but bear with me.  Forecast says we may receive up to 17 inches of lake effect snow tonight through tomorrow.  Projected wind direction doesn't really support this in my mind .... but I could be wrong!

And .... the next number is:  8

sooo, how about that snow?

Well, snow was a bust.  As I suspected ... the winds kept the snow along the lake shore of Lake Erie.  I am located about 35 miles inland.  However, around 4 this morning the winds shifted to the west.  That pushed the lake effect snow in our direction.  By 5:30 AM, we got around 3".  By the time the lake effect bands settled down and started to break up, our total was between 6 and 7 inches.  Not enough for me to even break out the snow blower!!  So, kept up with it with my trusty shovels.

And .... the next number drawn is:  5

Glad the snow was manageable!  We've had very little snow this year here in Minneapolis (despite having the 2nd snowiest Halloween on record -- but this was nothing compared to the Halloween Blizzard of 1991, which was incredible).  But yeah, if you have some interruptions due to helping neighbors and family get their vehicles unstuck, clearing walk-ways, etc., I don't think anyone here would complain.  Guessing you still have some on the ground?  We're almost snow-free here at the moment...

And ... the first draw for today is:  3

And ... the next number is:  27

Next number is:  7

Here you go, the next number is 11

And the next number is: 22

This is starting to get exciting ... as of this number, 4 cards have one row completed!!!!!!!!!

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