Hi....I'm Gene Langston, just joined.  I've collected knives for a long time...well, not really collected, just bought, used, and lost my share.  The last knife I bought was a Puma White Hunter made in 1973, it was unsharpened and I sharpened it yesterday.  Now it's really sharp.

Back ini 1964 or so, my mom gave me one just like it for Christmas.  I think she paid $20 for it, which was a considerable amount of money for us, back then.  I couldn't sharpen it because I didn't know how, and finally gave up on it.  It ended up as a kitchen knife, then my sister got it for a kitchen knife.  Her house burned down, and with it the knife.   My brother found the blade in the ashes and took it home.

After my brother died in 86, his son sent the knife back to Puma.  They rebuilt the knife, and in a harness test, found the temper was still there.  They replaced the handle, polished it up, and sent it back to my nephew...the featured that knife in their professional journal, whatever that is.

Bottom line, I've been looking for one ever since, casually.  Tuesday, I found a new one at a LGS at a price I thought was good...noa new one, made in 1973, still had the sticker on it, but without a sheath, which I ordered yesterday.  So I'm back in 1964, but with a sharp knife.

Sorry if this has been a long and boring post.  But I thought I'd get back a little to  my youth.

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Not boring at all!  What an incredible knife story your whole family has.  Thanks for sharing and I am glad you now have one of your own again

I agree with Jan, it's a really interesting story!  It's awesome you were able to get another White Hunter.  I hope this knife's story is a little less interesting, for your sake.  :) 

And welcome to iKC!

Great story Gene, great knife as well.

Welcome to iKC.

A great knife story!!

I ordered a Puma sheath from bruyerpipes, on Ebay,  which is in Germany.  Shipping was VERY fast, got it today.  I recommend him if you need a sheath.

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