Welcome to NM Collector Software.

For $30, you receive a full featured software package that enables you to keep track of any type of collection you may have. Primarily, I would imagine that Knives and Guns will be the draw here...I am using and reviewing the Knife Collector Software. There are a few pre-loaded collection templates that come with the software, but fear not...if you want a way to keep track of your Garbage Can Lid collection, you can make your own template for that as well. But for now, let's stick with the Knives.

I contacted the fine folks at NM Collector about reviewing their software for our community, mainly seeking information and permission for this review, fully prepared to sample their demo software, which is Full Featured for the first 30 days for folks to try out, then reverts to a limited demo version if a licence is not purchased. I was quite pleasantly surprised when not only did they send me a bunch of information, but a licence key as well. Downloading the software was quite simple, and then the dreaded installation and preparation for use began...

First of all, I had done some research on the abilities of this program, thinking I had to buy each collector package separately. Not so. One program held ALL the available collector templates, and I could use them all! So, my purchase did not limit me to only one collection, but all available templates, and the ability to make my own. Very handy! Then it came to installation. As it turned out, it is not so much an installation, as a Plug-and-Play program. Plop it onto your hard drive where you want it, and go. No tedious installation needed. No big deal, you say? Well, with this type of program, you may now toss it on a USB stick on your key-chain, and carry it around in your pocket...and be able to run it on *any* computer you come across. Your whole collection on your key ring! Handy again, no? Also, if you use a Cloud service, you can plop it in your Cloud, and be able to access it from anywhere as well, if you don't like packing a thumb drive around. Same result...your collection and inventory is now available at your fingertips from any system with internet access. Just log onto your Cloud and run the program! Tell me you've never wanted to have your whole collection in your pocket for shows, shopping, or just hanging out with fellow collectors! Colour me impressed thus far...and we haven't even used it yet.

So...it's where I want it, ready to go...let's fire this puppy up!

Identification Tab

Initially, a little intimidating, I'll admit. Possibly more so for those less tech savvy than others. But, I pushed on and started to play with things. Data entry was very simple using the fields provided. Pretty basic stuff there, so long as you are happy with the fields available. The above screenshot, borrowed from NM Collector, seems to be from a previous version, but you get the gist of the process. Click the empty field, enter your info, move to the next. Pretty simple. Alas, I have never been one for simple when I can complicate things and frustrate the heck out of myself. So, off I went mucking about and changing things around. After a little bit of trial and error, I managed to come up with this...

A little more comprehensive, and more what I was looking for. Editing the names of the fields was simplicity, once the little Edit Captions button was checked. Not bad at all...and a minimum of frustration. Now I have a good start. Again, filling in the fields with my own info was quite easy, once I edited them to show what *I* wanted. On to the next page...Description.


Not a bad setup. but again, I wanted more. So....

That's more like it! Very easy, now that I have a clue as to what I am doing. Certainly more suited to what I want, and how I want to organise things.

The Pictures tab is very basic to use. Click Add, find photo on your computer, click on it, bang...it is copied to your program database...*not* just a link to a picture on your computer. This now allows you to have all your pictures of your knives available on your USB drive, or your Cloud service, and accessible from anywhere! You can add as many as you like for each knife entry, and you can choose which photos to include when you print a report, if you find the need to keep a paper record for yourself, or if you are giving a copy to your insurance company, or locking a copy in the safe with your collection. From what I can tell, the only limitation on photos is how big or small you want your database to be. You can also make comments on your photo and add any relevant information you like.

Next up are the Receipt and Disposition tabs, which document your purchase or sale information...where, when, who, address of seller/buyer and any notes you wish to include. Great info to have if you track your buyers and sellers. These I didn't bother to change.

The next tab, Maintenance, was nice to see. Here you can track your cleaning, repairs, warranty work etc., and keep track of the costs, dates and tasks for each individual knife. Most, I imagine, will ignore this tab for the most part, but others will find it quite handy to track any work done on specific knives. Again...fields can be changed to your preference.

The next tabs are fairly self explanatory. The Events tab, I assume, is for any shows or events related to your particular knife entry...either selling or buying. Dates, costs, employees etc.

The Data Sheet tab looks like it's just for additional info you want to add...just a blank page you can add to. No picture needed for that...

The More tab is looking like a place to add more fields that wouldn't fit on other tabs. Again, customisable...an example of one I just threw together.

And a tab for any links to manufacturers or additional info you want to list...

Overall, it seems like a fantastic program that can be used to be as descriptive and as comprehensive as you choose to be, with the ability to use it in a very basic capacity if you so choose. Fairly flexible in its uses, easy to use once you get things set up the way you want them.

It also allows you to print out a few different styles of reports, depending on what you need. With or without pictures or notes...how many photos to include...that kind of thing.

So...there you have it. So far, the best program I have seen yet for inventorying your collection. I'd say a 7/10 on ease of use, 8/10 for usability and practical usage, however, that may well go up once I figure out how to delete or change existing fields in the tabs. For that, I have sent a support request, and am waiting for an answer back. I can't seem to delete Date or Money fields, although I can change the description of them. A minor issue at best, but one I would like to learn how to do.

It will be a daunting task, entering all my knives into this program, and taking pictures in a format that will be constant with all my entries, but once the collection is entered in its entirety, it will be a piece of cake to keep it current with any new purchases or sales I may make. As this program doesn't keep info on servers on the internet, once you have it, you can use it forever. It won't be discontinued and made unusable, you can use it for life. And for the price, I think it is a fantastic deal. It also has an App that will let you carry all this info on your phone or tables, and will sync with your computer if you make changes on either your computer or device. And for $2.03, the App is well worth the buy.

$32.03 for your entire collection in your pocket with all your info and as many pictures as you want, usable on any computer anywhere, and as basic or detailed as you choose, PLUS being able to have the same thing for *anything* you collect? I say Great Deal!

Feel free to check out the program for free for 30 days of full features, and judge for yourself. You can find it Here ...I hope you find it as useful as I have so far.

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Replies to This Discussion

I loaded the program on a 16 gig SD card and copied all my knife pictures to a separate folder on the same card.  I have loaded about 30 knives into the program now.  I just store the link to the picture in the data base.   Doing it that way everything is working great.

Oh and i run the program from the card.

Please make sure you backup that USB flash drive.  :)

Also, I'm sure you know this but others may not, when using a USB flash drive you have to make sure the computer closes completely and has a chance to save your data before you remove the USB flash drive from your computer.  Also, it is very important to properly eject the USB flash drive from your computer before you remove it.




Charles Sample said:

I loaded the program on a 16 gig SD card and copied all my knife pictures to a separate folder on the same card.  I have loaded about 30 knives into the program now.  I just store the link to the picture in the data base.   Doing it that way everything is working great.

Oh and i run the program from the card.

Yes, that is right Clay.  I definitely make sure that I do.

sounds like a great place to start for your knifing inventory steve. good luck! keep me posted on your progress.

Just found this group, very interesting. I was just conversing on another thread about how I was trying to document my knife collection. Maybe I should move $30 out of my knife-buying budget one of these days and consider getting this program?

You can use the full feature version for free for 30 days.  After that it converts to a free version (with fewer features) but the free version might be all you need.  The following features are not available in the free version but none of your data is lost and the features will be restored if you chose to activate your copy at a later date:

  • Receipt
  • Disposition
  • Picture Zoom Buttons
  • Maintenance
  • Events
  • Statistics



Syd Carr said:

Just found this group, very interesting. I was just conversing on another thread about how I was trying to document my knife collection. Maybe I should move $30 out of my knife-buying budget one of these days and consider getting this program?

Syd, I recommend the program.  I have been using it for a couple of months now to inventory my knife collection.  I bought the full featured version.  I feel it is well worth the $30.  I like the receipt section where I can record all the details about the purchase of the knife.  I also like being able to zoom the pictures.  The statistics section comes in handy too.

Syd Carr said:

Just found this group, very interesting. I was just conversing on another thread about how I was trying to document my knife collection. Maybe I should move $30 out of my knife-buying budget one of these days and consider getting this program?

Thanks Charles, I'm already surfing their site. Another one of those , "why didn't I think of that" moments as far as identifying a need, then inventing something to fill that need. What a brilliant idea! Just downloaded the trial version to a thumb drive, I'll post here after I fiddle with it a little.

Charles Sample said:

Syd, I recommend the program.  I have been using it for a couple of months now to inventory my knife collection.  I bought the full featured version.  I feel it is well worth the $30.  I like the receipt section where I can record all the details about the purchase of the knife.  I also like being able to zoom the pictures.  The statistics section comes in handy too.

Syd Carr said:

Just found this group, very interesting. I was just conversing on another thread about how I was trying to document my knife collection. Maybe I should move $30 out of my knife-buying budget one of these days and consider getting this program?

Syd, I run mine on a thumb drive too.  I also copied all my knife pictures to a separate folder on the same drive.  Now I can run the program on any computer.  It doesn't need the program loaded on it.  Also I back up on an external hard drive.

When I first started the program I was saving the pictures in the program but it wouldn't work right.  I don't know if it was the program or my computer.  Anyway I solved it by just storing the link to the picture in the program.

I have found a minor quirk or two in the program but have solved them.  I will be glad to try to answer any questions you may have about the program. 

Got it working, though I did find it a little bit slow responding at times, probably because I ran it off the thumb drive. It wasn't so slow that I felt the need to run it off of my hard drive though. I had no issues posting photos to the program at all. In fact, once I figured out what to do the program worked great. The only problem I'm having is finding enough info to enter about any particular item. You can enter as much, or as little info as you want about an item. This software would be what a curator of a museum collection might use, it is very thorough. It's nice that it isn't restricted to one kind of collectible either, you could keep track of almost anything with it. As a former inventory manager, I really appreciate it's design in that respect.

Wow, glad Jan pointed me to this thread, I can see myself spending many evenings posting to this program.

Thanks for the help and encouragement, lovin' it so far!!

Glad your liking it Syd.  While your loading all those pics share them with us also?

Still working on learning the software, and now I decided I need to re-take most of my photos, as they are going to be part of a permanent record. I just discovered that if you click the "Edit Captions" box on most of the tabs, (ie; pages), you can basically make your own captions and list things any way you want them listed....cool! As I come up with better photos, and start adding them to the database I'll post a few here. I don't want to fill up the thread with only-special-to-me photos of knives. I'm sure you all have seen better out there, I won't bore you with mine. Tonight is just for poking around the software anyway. I'm thinking I'll probably go ahead and pay the $30 at the end of the trial period, it seems to be well worth the cost.

Jan Carter said:

Glad your liking it Syd.  While your loading all those pics share them with us also?


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