A Sharper Review Group


A Sharper Review Group

A group to be used for discussion of standards, suggested knives to review, submission of known attributes for a knife and general discussion regarding planned knife reviews. Formal knife review results will be posted in Forum/Sharper Review

Location: iKnife Collector
Members: 38
Latest Activity: Nov 19, 2020

Discussion Forum

NM Collector Software - Knife inventory software for computers and mobile devices

Started by Steve Scheuerman (Manx). Last reply by Jan Carter Jun 28, 2017. 50 Replies

Welcome to NM Collector Software.For $30, you receive a full featured software package that enables you to keep track of any type of collection you may have. Primarily, I would imagine that Knives…Continue

White River Knives

Started by Robert Burris. Last reply by White River Knives Jun 8, 2017. 16 Replies

        Well, we finally got a chance to go fishing!  I had been wanting to go fishing for…Continue

Diminutive Dog Tag Knife

Started by D ale. Last reply by Jan Carter Jan 30, 2017. 9 Replies

I recently came across a Dog Tag Knife that intrigued me. It’s diminutive size was actually one of the attracting features. Simplicity was another. The possibility of good blade steel was a plus. A…Continue

Benchmade Review

Started by Robert Burris. Last reply by Brad T. May 26, 2015. 32 Replies

I won this knife in a recent IKC contest. I thought I would do a knife review on it for…Continue

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Comment by Jan Carter on November 19, 2020 at 14:20
Comment by Jan Carter on November 19, 2020 at 14:19
Comment by J.J. Smith III on August 6, 2019 at 17:36

Nice looking knife there, Jan.

Comment by Jan Carter on August 6, 2019 at 13:59

Tired of big ornate titanium flippers that cost several Benjamin's and have the edge geometry of a trench shovel?.  A Manly knife review.

Comment by Alexander Noot on April 24, 2014 at 1:02

There is that offcourse, also...no lock wear, no off center blade, they're generally lighter than folders of the same size, they're usually cheaper and with a slim sheath they'll carry almost as conveniently in the pocket as a sizeable folder.

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on April 23, 2014 at 8:56

A fixed blade, won't get blade play or a broken spring. I think a fixed blade can hold up to more hard use than a folder.

Comment by Alexander Noot on April 23, 2014 at 0:53

The nice thing about non folding knives is often also the handle/blade ratio. In a folding knife there are a lot of technical limitations because there has to be a pivot and the knife has to fit into the handle.

In a non folding knife there's no such thing. A 3" blade with a 3" handle is no problem. Or a 4"/4" blade handle knife.

Try doing that in a folding knife....you'll NEVER get as much blade as a handle unless you cheat like this:

And I'd hardly call that a proper folding knife....on that needs a sheath so you don't cut yourself. That's like a folding knife without the advantages of a folding knife while keeping the disadvantage of being "pre-broken".

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on April 22, 2014 at 11:40

I could not agree more. A small fixed blade can do a lot more jobs than it's given credit for. Some Tactical folders have become very large and blunt and are a bit clumsy to use. Most of my fixed blade user are small to medium. I don't own any large fixed blades.

Comment by Alexander Noot on April 22, 2014 at 0:59

Personally I love smaller fixed blades. I make MANY more small ones than large fixed blades.

Currently I really love carrying one of my own "Little Undertakers" in stainless steel. t feels so solid yet the grind is so thing it could probably slice anything it needed. I feel fixed blades in pocket sizes are very underrated while folding knives (especially "hard use" folding knives are a little overrated.

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on April 17, 2014 at 17:36

I was thinking about a bunch of knives that are not spoken about much. I'm not sure if this is the right group to talk about them, I'll just judge the response, because I know a lot of ya'll own some of these. The group is "Small Fixed  blades". This is a bunch of knives that I actively use and collect. I am sure a lot of ya'll own some and don't realize they are a little different from your full size fixed blade. Please tell me what ya'll think. 


White River Knives

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