As always, first I want to thank TSA knives for the opportunity to give one of these away to a member here at iKC!

see the full size pic here

As fall sets in, I love to see how folks appreciate it.  I think it is appropriate for this knife based on the story of how they came about and how the handle materials were chosen...so here is your mission, should you choose to accept it.

1) take a photo showing fall in your area, or wherever you happen to be

2) there MUST be a knife in the pic

3) extra ticket if iKC is in your pic

4) extra ticket if you carve a pumpkin for us

5) all entries must be posted in this discussion

The contest runs until October 31, 2015 at the witching hour (midnight eastern time)

Enter as often as you would like and HAVE SOME FUN!!!


Tags: **October, 2015, Trestle, contest**, giveaway!!, knife, pine

Views: 1732

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Or two...

Okay, three (this has all just been too much fun -- here with my TOPS Pasayten Light Traveller...).  Good night, all!

Here is my cap that shows what I will be doing this fall.  That is my Buck Omni Hunter knife.  It is hard to see but that is an iKC pin on the hat.

our winner is mr luke grimm!

Congrats Luke!

Oh my word!! Thanks so much, this is a real surprise!


Jan Carter said:

our winner is mr luke grimm!

I fell in love with that knife when you first posted it, but never though it would be coming my way!

Luke Grimm said:

Oh my word!! Thanks so much, this is a real surprise!


Jan Carter said:

our winner is mr luke grimm!

Thanks Charles, Feeling like a winner, I'll be flying high through Christmas thinking about this day!!

Charles Sample said:

Congrats Luke!

Whoop whoop Luke, way to go. Please post photos after you receive your prize.

Thanks to Jan for another great contest. May I have another please?

Thanks Syd, 

Last night I got out every knife I own (there are 31.) I was looking them over, planning how I could justify buying The Trestle Wood knife cause it is so cool... Did a bunch of reading on how they salvage the old logs. I'm in shock! this is so cool


Syd Carr said:

Whoop whoop Luke, way to go. Please post photos after you receive your prize.

Thanks to Jan for another great contest. May I have another please?

I was so excited I posted in the wrong thread: 

I meant Which wood do you have, on yours l.lantz? I think I may have to collect this set if they last, save up and get one of each wood.

Hot Damn!

l.lantz said:

You are going to really like it I think,Luke!! I have one and think it is first rate! Congratulations!!!

Luke Grimm said:

Oh my word!! Thanks so much, this is a real surprise!


Jan Carter said:

our winner is mr luke grimm!

That's so cool, truly heartwarming.. I'm sure Jan and the manufacturer will be very pleased to know that their winner was the one of us who truly wanted it the most. We have all done that, research, read up, learn all we can about a knife, obsess over it, then finally get it in our hands; we know that feeling. Cool stuff, really.

I like the blade on that knife, still haven't got an example of a Wharncliffe in my collection yet, please do a show and tell once you get it.

Luke Grimm said:

Thanks Syd, 

Last night I got out every knife I own (there are 31.) I was looking them over, planning how I could justify buying The Trestle Wood knife cause it is so cool... Did a bunch of reading on how they salvage the old logs. I'm in shock! this is so cool


Syd Carr said:

Whoop whoop Luke, way to go. Please post photos after you receive your prize.

Thanks to Jan for another great contest. May I have another please?

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