Thank you to Kifer Cutlery Classics for donating a great knife!  This sweet Tidioute 14118 SFO is constructed with 1095 Carbon Steel and African Blackwood scales.  We have been gifted #44 of 101.

Entering this contest is as easy as spelling your name!

  • GO TO Kifer Cutlery Classics
  • Fill out the contact form
  • RIGHT HERE IN THIS DISCUSSION post a pic of your newest sharp object and tell me you contacted Kifer Cutlery
  • Entry MUST be made prior to 12:01 am January 1, 2019

That’s it, easy as can be, contact form there pic and notice of contact here and DONE…you are entered

Winner will be chosen on January 1, 2019

Tags: 2018, Christmas, knife

Views: 1266

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Here's the picture...

Andy Larrison said:

New to me Case mid Folding with some custom stag handles.

Can’t post pic from my phone.

Picked up a William Collins Junior Woodsmen.

Filled out contact form at Kifer Cutlery Classics. I added a Case Christmas hunter to my collection

Please enter me in contest, I contacted Kifer Cutlery Classics. Here is my newest addition a Schatt and Morgan Gowanda, NY knife. I love it!

Yuppers..  Contacted Kifer - I like the website.

Here is my Christmas acquisition - absolutely, hands down the best $20 I have ever spent on a knife.  Quality is outstanding on this knife.

Thanks for the contest Jan!

Great shot!  I had the exact same knife growing up.  First knife I ever cut the bejeezus out of my thumb with.  Ah, the memories...!

Steve LaMarine said:

I plan to create shadow-box displays for my various Scout knives this coming year, and this is a prototype. The actual items will include merit badges and similar items. 

Bozz Lady,  I Hope i filled it out Correctly.

Best of the Season's.


I contacted Kifer Cutlery Classics, a great new source for GEC beauties!

My most recent sharp edge: an E.C Simmons Keen Kutter Barlow...love that great old steel :)

Contacted KCC but can't post pictures from this phone

Happy new year Jan and Donnie

I contacted Kifer, nice donation from them

This is a Premium Knife Supply "Geronimo" blank that I finished off with my first use of black canvas Micarta

Happy last day of the old year!

I have contacted Kifer Cutlery.  I appreciate them donating the knife for the contest!  ‘Sharp’ looking knife!

My most recent knife I have started to carry is a Buck Creek Indian Head.  Thanks for allowing me to come

play with sharp objects.  Now let’s see if I can do this photo attaching thing.

My latest knife is a chef knife made by Doug Boyd in Greenwood, MO.

IMG_1066.jpeg. Hmm.. how do I post a photo from my cellphone?

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