Lots of things to do in the spring, one is knowing when to plant and when to wait.

May 10th is my last frost date, passed down from my grandmother. She said you plant something 

that comes up before then, you will be covering it up!  Pop he said oh just use the almanac to plant and

weed and you will be okay.

This year I started the lettuce early. We had a spell of hot weather and that is all 

I needed for good germination.

Such fun it is to grow your own veggies and so Healthy for you too.

Hope everyone joins me in Gardening this year and post their pictures of veggies and flowers and such.

Lettuce is 4  days old, the cages is to keep my dog from digging...lol

Lettuce is up , black seeded simpson, salad mix and crunch

Violets blooming, going to try them in salad tomorrow.

Replenished and cleaned up MY BEACH.......

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Great job, Miss Sue. They are all very pretty. Hey Steve, my chickens are laying great too. Every hen is producing about an egg a day. I'm about to start raising some Cornish Cross for eating, I would have started sooner but it's been cold later, than normal, so I waited.

Got a bunch of landscaping timbers Monday. I looked them over and went back in the house.

Well the peppers transplanted well.  Now to find some Cayannes 

Oh yea, my favorite hot pepper.

Peppers keep me spicy :)

Getting ready in a minute to go back out into the the mulch wars. Yes, there's more mulch. I think what was left in the driveway is breeding :o

Craig, I have a great idea, "mulch" the entire yard and you want have to cut the grass...LOL

Actually, that's what we did years ago! LOL! We "naturalized" the whole yard! It's done fairly often around these parts. Some people do the whole yard like us, and some do half or whatever.

neat cactus....craig

a few rainy day pic's have a few different blooming iris today...rain gives them a fresh look...

Ate this swiss chard tonite just fried it up in a little olive oil and salt !

On my kitchen table, just waiting for it to stay warm, then it gets kicked out...lol

Looks great Sue! We have lots of bloomers too. Cass likes irises a lot too. 

Haven't been doing much lately. I'm still getting over the past few weeks! There's still some mulch left in the driveway! Been watering everything.....that's as much work as I want or can do for a while. My son is supposed to come over and help his old broken down dad out! LOL!


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