I am going to Scotland on holiday soon and will be staying close ,though not in, this castle .

Just thought if any of you good folks have Scottish blood you may be interested in the pic. 

Anyone know which castle it is ??

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Independence is okay and worked well for you guys you are Citizens now not Subjects as we still are. I have reservations about Scotland though we are a small island living through tough economic times , is this a good time to break up the union.  I don't know and as I don't live in Scotland I won't get a say in it anyway.

I am going to Scotland in September and we are going there because my "better half "and I are both keen on the country and I lived there for near ten years working in the forestry . That was back in the eighties when I was young enough for that kind of work. Nowadays I do a more sedate job in marking out playing fields , running tracks and sports fields of all types.  I even do what we call American Football , I guess it's just football to you, our football is what is called Soccer in the US. 

Have yourself a great fourth of July !

  Hey, thanks! We are planning a party with family and friends with a big Bar-B-Que. We will be playing guitars and singing to. We always celebrate the 4 of July. Our flags will be flying high.

As I recall, early settlers of Appalachia were largely Scots ("Ulster Scots") from the lowlands of Scotland.  An independent lot who were happy to be left alone in their Appalachian hills, being bypassed by technology, and free to make moonshine, among other self-sufficient pursuits.

An interesting side note to Appalachia is the Whiskey Rebellion (1791). In the northern parts of Appalachia (Western Pennsylvania), the locals made whiskey from leftover grains and used it as a medium of exchange.  When Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton imposed a whiskey tax to fund the Revolutionary War debt, the locals in the Appalachian Mountains of Western Pennsylvania protested violently and President George Washington sent 13,000 troops to quell the violence.  You might say this was reminiscent of King George III's reaction to the Boston tea tax protests.  With 13,000 troops, Washington was able to make the Whiskey Tax stick, and the Feds have been taxing us ever since.

On the bright side, the Whiskey Tax was repealed by Thomas Jefferson in 1801.  But by then, secret distilling must have been a fixture throughout Appalachia, and survives today.

Thanks for the info Howard , isn't it always the case that if you enjoy it then they tax it !

I did know one or two people who made their own ," Uisge Beatha ", when I lived in Scotland I never tried any myself . They say it can be quite ferocious stuff, I did know a man who could get for me the raw whisky , it's clear like Gin before going in the barrel . It did nasty stuff to you if weren't careful and I was too young and foolish to be careful . These day's I only indulge on birthdays and at Christmas , oh and on holiday in Scotland.

  I have a friend that makes whiskey. We make wine. I don't drink whiskey, way too strong for me.

  Howard thanks for the history lesson. I have heard the Scott's were great fighters in World War II.

The "ghost "above is the young lady with "bairn" who introduces you to Eilian Donan castle. I was staying near there for a week recently in a wonderfully remote cottage where it was possible to watch otters and seals from the living room window.

No internet or cell phone for the week so I missed out on iKC but will catch up soon !

Very interesting

Cajun is a bastardization of Acadian...During the F&I War when England took over French Canada they evicted many families from the Acadia portion of the province of Nova Scotia bordering into Quebec.



They would pronounce the word as "Ah Caydajyon" which became Cajun over time.

John Bamford said:

Robert you are the only Cajun that I know,  and I feel that it is a joy to know a man with such grand ancestors .

John, glad to have you back but it it wonderful that oyu were able to spend a week in small spot of heaven like that

Jan Carter said:

John, glad to have you back but it it wonderful that oyu were able to spend a week in small spot of heaven like that

It was indeed a little slice of heaven Jan , if I win the lottery then  will make the owners of the house we stayed in an offer they can't refuse ! Until then I will have to make do with memories and a few photo's .

A little information here about Scot's in America,


Scot's seem to be very rare in Nevada !!


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