Hi everyone and welcome to our newest members,


Something we have not talked about lately is new aquisitions.  Tell us about your latest and greatest GEC.  Donnie bought me both the new 23's in the Beavertail (Worlds greatest husband by the way)  He got himself the newest 73 in Primitive bone.  THAT is a heck of a nice knife.


What have you gotten lately?

Tags: Cutlery, Eastern, Great

Views: 12365

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Great looking knives, Tom.

My latest(instant favorite) EDC ,Northfield Trapper autumn gold jigged bone,perfect fit and finish

I really like that Rino.  The blade is a great fit to that autumn gold scale

Thats beautiful Rino, an excellent first.

Is that a #23 or a #73, it's a nice looking piece.

I may be trading or buying a new to me Big Jack.

I got an offer from a really nice guy who saw that I liked the knife. We'll see if it pans out, but I may have another #54 real soon.

Best of luck with it Johnny, let us know how it works out

Well, it looks like I'll have a new #54, but not without casualties. A good GEC friend of mine will find himself a new home. My stag #56 is headed off to new and better things. Too small for me to abuse, it will go to a good guy. His knife too big for his liking, so it is an obvious trade.

I thank my #56 for all his services provided and wish him the best of luck in his new home. ; )

It's funny how fast things move along in the knife world. I am sending my #56 to a new home, in return I have a Beautiful Big Jack for the pocket. Just like that I have another #54, it's pretty cool how it all works. I'll get pics as soon as it arrives.

Robert, you have cursed me with some kind of affection towards this pocket Behemoth. I am now adding another for tests and approval. Thank you for your support. : )

It is  #23,but it is not first one,reason why i got this one is my #25  ;-)

johnny twoshoes said:

Thats beautiful Rino, an excellent first.

Is that a #23 or a #73, it's a nice looking piece.

One together ,it is quite difference in size,hopefully,next is Gepeto whittler 


Is that #25 a Strawberry bone one? I like the wharncliffe #25's (and the others too). I regularly carry an appaloosa bone two blade wharncliffe #25 (one of the New Aged ones) and I really like it. I bought a single blade #25 wharnie in Bocote to be another of my EDC's but it looks so good I haven't brought myself to use it. I really like your #25 though - the bone has broken in very nicely. They are such a handy knife! I like the Autumn Gold bone #23 of yours also. I grabbed one of those over the red bone model because it just looked so darn good! I wish that they would lighten up on the opening snap just a bit - sometimes I about break my thumbnail trying to get one open. A #23 lockback would be one awesome knife too - hope that is on the horizon from GEC. Great knives Rino!

Speaking of that I would like to see another run of new aged

Great looking knives guy's. Here is my first Toe nail and I think it's awsome.


White River Knives

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