Hi everyone and welcome to our newest members,


Something we have not talked about lately is new aquisitions.  Tell us about your latest and greatest GEC.  Donnie bought me both the new 23's in the Beavertail (Worlds greatest husband by the way)  He got himself the newest 73 in Primitive bone.  THAT is a heck of a nice knife.


What have you gotten lately?

Tags: Cutlery, Eastern, Great

Views: 12367

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Woah, that's a beauty Jan!  Slanted and threaded baby! Slanted and threaded bolters.


Nice TVCC cigar stockman! I like yours better than my own. Working on completing the trio now.


Thanks, I am working on it also.  I want to find each without the bolster dimples and then I will start working on the dimpled ones.  And all made by Great Eastern Cutlery     WOOHOOO

Thanks Perry, I am a big fan of the slanted bolsters

been a bit for a post...i think but here it goes got 2 treeman combat knives 1 fist dagger (push knife) and my new woods knife the Combat Hunter Black Ops Special W/ Saw teeth very nice knife will report heading out in the next couple weeks to yellow banks will report how it did not forseeing any problems or complaints i will put it to the test

my new treeman combat knives


Nice additions sir! That new woods knife of yours will be fun to break in! I have had my eyes on Treeman Knives for some time - drooling over Seth's collection especially! I can't afford to start collecting another maker though - can't aff0rd to collect the GEC's hardly. Will be interested in your field test report on these! I need to take some pics of my recent acquisitions - they are starting to pile up. Been too busy Ren waxing the rest of them though.

you got to love the look of that whaler beautiful i wish they would put the whale on them but real nice dana....

Dana Mayo said:

Speaking of Ebony, I just added this Whaler to my collection.

very cool looking knifes terry....


been a bit for a post...i think but here it goes got 2 treeman combat knives 1 fist dagger (push knife) and my new woods knife the Combat Hunter Black Ops Special W/ Saw teeth very nice knife will report heading out in the next couple weeks to yellow banks will report how it did not forseeing any problems or complaints i will put it to the test

my new treeman combat knives

Nice ones guys!! I picked up a single blade Lumber Jack too. This Dusk Buffalo arrived yesterday afternoon.

Nice Trand!


That is beautiful buffalo on an awesome knife!!

Dear Dave T,

  Thank you....For the beavertail and for the smile.  As a Beavertail collector I am always challenged as to how to display my knives.  I have a Beaver pelt but it is a pelt and needs care so I don't take it out of its case often.  When I opened this package I laughed until I had tears running down my face.  LOOK HONEY... IT"S A BEAVERTAIL!!


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