Hi everyone and welcome to our newest members,


Something we have not talked about lately is new aquisitions.  Tell us about your latest and greatest GEC.  Donnie bought me both the new 23's in the Beavertail (Worlds greatest husband by the way)  He got himself the newest 73 in Primitive bone.  THAT is a heck of a nice knife.


What have you gotten lately?

Tags: Cutlery, Eastern, Great

Views: 12365

Replies to This Discussion

Johnny, this is the Copperhead Jig Bone in the NF line. The Saddle Brown is in the Tidioute lineup. I liked it too but mainly go for the NF's to collect and the Tid's to carry - at least usually.

Jan, the Patriot collection is almost there. There are a few strays that I am looking to find but may never be so lucky. I have the Moose, both #73's - end capped and no EC (and one #73 proto too) and the #25 spear barlow and the #25 sheepsfoot barlow. I think that there are some short runs out there that have eluded me. If anyone has these and wants to part with them let me know. The Patriots were a series that were somewhat easy to collect because there is not that many of them and people either like em or hate em. I started out not liking them but then they grew on me - like so many other GEC's that seem to find their way to my door!

Here are a few newbies, a #48 frame Scagel Fruitport Smooth Oiled Bone Clip Blade made by GEC, a Kauri Wood #57 Whittler, a Tidioute #54 Whittler in Brimstone Bone, a Bulldog EZ Open #25 in Abalone and a #65 Hogan in Red Wine Bone. The smooth bone on the Scagel feels really good in hand and I may actually carry this one. I had bought the Hogan to carry but I may get a Tidioute in Red Garnet bone to carry and save the Red Wine for the collection - can't decide, it's kinda big for an EDC though.


Tom, once again you have supported American jobs and have fed the hungry with your donation. You, are my hero!!!

Awesome spread of knives my friend, I would pocket that Ben, that red wine looks even better with age.

Great pick ups Tom!!


I have not actually held one of those Scagels but they are a beauty of a knife and that one is an exceptional piece. 

The Beauties that came to live with us today


Nice Primitives Jan!

I thought GEC made a batch of Moose patern primitives? I don't see them advertised any where.

Robert, to my knowledge the primitive Moose will be released this week.  Cant wait to get one in hand

Jan, thats a beauty.

The smooth natural bone scales really do it for me and the fact that it's a proto, even better.


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