Vintage handle material: 'Hard Black' Usually jigged on the old knives that I've seen....

Vintage handle material: 'Hard Black' Usually jigged on the old knives that I've seen....

I haven't been able to find info on this material - most sites only describe current materials -


Please lemme know what you know, and/or give a site that includes such archaic info     :   ]


This site is quite an education!

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Almost sounds like the discription that was used by CASE when they introduced the Gum Fuddy line.

Some Victorian razors had vulcanised rubber handle scales though I don't know if it was used on knives.

A stuff called Gutta Percha was used as a pre-plastic material for all kinds of things, more info below.

There could well be an answer somewhere else on this site as it deals with all kinds of plastics.


Thanks all, so far.
And J.Bamford - plastiquarian re. Gutta percha has enough description of applications that I can say it may have been, but they don't mention commercial knifehandles, or esp. dates for said.

My guess is 'hard black' was depression era or before.

When was Delrin first used for knives??


I have no idea about that I am afraid Frank.


Based on this information I am going to make a guess that Delrin made a knife appearance in the early 60's

Jan Carter -  Thanks -  that nails Delrin well!

I am amazed that more people don't know more about the hard black materials, it was so common..

Thankx again! 


I assume that is because it never took off among collectors.  The material was loved by users and I assume that is why Case returned to a product close to it

   Might be referring to what CASE used to call 'Rough Black'.I reckon that is what they now refer to as that gummy wummy or whatever they're makin' nowadays.They used 'Rough Black all the way  back to theTESTED' Days.

     Delrin was invented in 1960 by DuPont

Thank you Jan Carter and Jim Johnson:

More trivia recalled:   Some brands with similar looking handle material had handles that shrank

   and some absolutely 0 shrinkage to this day.       Totally different materials or correlation with some info re gutta percha differences in source plant and refining..   

Seems at least some collectors ought have an interest in collection of what was practical back when..       


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