I just got jumped on by somebody on "bladeforums" for asking what a balisong knife is worth ! what a bunch of bunk! anybody else have problems there? Im canceling my membership to bladeforums.com.

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Sounds like a racket.  I just lurk on Blades Forum.  I found the place extremely unfriendly and quite stuffy.

i dont deal well will hoods and bullies,thats why im a member of ikc.the knife persons place to be.

Thank you John. I am sure there are some nice people there too you may just not see them. here is a trivia question about Blade Forums, just for fun. Who owns Blade Forums and here is a hint. His first name is not Bernard LOL....

That is exactly why I love this place- I've asked several questions and ( I hope) answered several, too. Everybody here has their own knowledge level and even long time collectors have their own area of expertise ( or lack thereof) Whatever you think you know about this great hobby, I'll bet there is someone here who knows more. I have never been flamed or degraded here, ( friendly kidding notwithstanding)  and questions replied to without malice or contempt-There have been some "mystery" questions asked by members where no one had the definitive answer- but it never stopped anyone from offering what input and advice as they could--. IKC, The Knifest Place On The Web !!  

Goodness I am going to have to borrow some of the lines!  Don't ever kid yourselves, every network is a sum of it's members.  iKC is the sum of it's members, family and friends.  This IS my happy place!

I am a member of five forums devoted to cutlery.  I've been on a couple of them for about 8 years now.  I find that each has it's own dynamic.  Each has its positives and negatives.  One thing that is seldom well received on any of them is to break the posted rules.  As I said in my earlier post, there is a posted rule at BladeForums against asking valuation questions.  I'd have to see the "jumping" in question before reaching conclusions as to how rude it was. 

On the other hand, this is a nice place and I'd much rather focus on how friendly the natives are here instead of talking dirt about something that may have happened on another forum.  So I'm done in this thread.

Frank is right about the rules on BladeForums the one about valuations is right at the top of the section that I lurk on,trad folders and fixed blades. I don't know the reasons behind it but they are hot on abiding by the rules. A lot of interesting reading on there though, especially if like me you don't know much. I guess every forum has reasons for the way they are , what I like about this one is I don't feel too intimidated to post stuff you guys are not too hard on a fellow who knows "nowt".

This is an extremely civilized forum - believe me. I belong to another knife forum but never post on it. Just use it for info.

I belong to a few non-cutlery forums and regularly post in them. Ya need a thick skin sometimes. On one forum I've come to the conclusion that they ask questions and post comments from an insane asylum! No joke. One of the most active threads is the "suspension log". Believe it or not that's a "fun" thread to read. By By wackos!! Biggest offenders are those who start personal attacks, attack the moderator and those who try logging on under different IDs, especially after they were chastised or suspended under a different ID.

We don't need trouble makers here. Everyone here is out for fun and believe me it's no fun to be arguing or having some sort of drama over someone's opinion of a knife. We can't all have the same opinion or knowledge of knives. We must respect and help others.   

Well said Robert and Michael    And besides, everyone knows that when it comes to quality, functionality and craftsmanship no other knife compares to the Sasquatch Slasher! And if you disagree with me, then you don't know a lick about knives! 


Welcome Frank . . . and by the way . . . did you want to run that balisong question by  us?

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