Brings a new meaning to "Fair Game".

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OK, so whats on the menu for the 4th of July???
Bar-B-Q and drink a few

BBQ yesterday and burgers for the 4th.

Hope y'all have a Happy and safe holiday.

Burgers and hot dogs. I may try something creative with some of the burgers. I have about 20 or 25 guest coming . All family, hopefully drama will stay off the menu.
Glad we did not through a big bash this year.  AC went out last night.  So dinner will be cold fruit and cold boiled and peeled shrimp in front of the fans.  Enjoy your guests and have a good time
sorry to hear that jan.but at least you did not have to reheat the left overs all you would have to do is just let it set out and it would cook its self.you all can come and visit me i just got mine fixed.
Sorry to hear that Jan. We had to have ours fixed when it first started getting hot this year. Nothing wrong with your menu. I like shrimp and fruit.
Thanks Stephen and Billy.  Menu will be just fine and we have lived through the heat before
Miss Jan, I could have fixed your A/C shame I wasn't around. I hope ya'll had a good 4 th anyway.

Nothing wrong with that menu, Jan.  Add some spicy coctail sauce and a couple of cold ones...

AC situation is a bummer though.

Thanks Guys..Robert I certainly wish you had been around.  Turns out it is the fan so they will pick up the part today and install it tomorrow :)
jj i hear the deer is in plenty this year.a least two to ever car out there.does that mean you r going to have extra in your main course dinners this year?......


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