Given economic conditions virtually worldwide, a growing number of  catalogs and internet sites and a seemingly endless number of " private knifemakers"out there, they are available.

No, its not the corner hardware anymore, but it might be a sporting goods store where you live. You might travel to the Smokey Mountains or search out that knife in the Ozark Hills . Maybe its a knife show or browsing the booths of your favorite thrift shop that just feels right for that purchase.

Chioces, choices.....Where do you go to buy that knife you've been wanting?

Tags: choices, economic

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steve with the convenience of the internet now days it makes it easer to find the ones you want and also get the best price.but every now and then you need the thrill of the hunt thats when going to the knife shows come in handy even it is a shame that you can't go to the local hardware store and get a good knife anymore you still can find some decent ones at the lowes or home depot sometimes.but mostly i do my shopping on the internet....
There is no place close to me to buy quality knives. The gun shows here don't offer much either. I must search the NET and look in a few catalogs to find knives.
I use the internet and eBay mostly when I am searching out and buying my knives.

I am pretty old fashion.  I do use the internet but mostly we speak with our dealer once a week or so.  He has become a good friend over the years and he and Donnie spend time on the phone togeather.  Knife shows are always a favorite but can only get to a few.  As for the local hardware stores.  We are fortunate enough to have a few friends in FL and GA that own family run hardware stores and they still carry knives.  What that taught me was, when we are travelling...Stop and look...The old hardware store with the hand painted sign in the middle of nowhere?  Sometimes they have some nice old "new" stock if you can get them to open the cabnits and let you look.  Always an adventure anyway

Import directly from the smiths or makers. You know the saying best pasta is in Italy and so on.


Robert, join my wagon and I'll send you on a journey you won't regret :)


  Steve for the last couple years I have used e-bay there more choices an better prices for most of the time a lot of dealers only have new knives an not all the patterns and handles materials, But I"m looking at vintage knives in new condition. 

I like ebay , auctions, yard sales, pawn shops ,gun shows, hardware stores ,antiques stores,& the best of all is a Knife  Show .


LOL...Your just a knife junkie.  Ain't it fun!!

I am lucky I guess, I have one or two local hardware and farm stores that still sell a few quality knives, I also see a local ol' timer knife dealer at a nearby antique market. I also frequent a small flea market, but the most fun is to get to local yard sales and auctions and find that one special item. I guess my favorite is the flea market and yard sales, as it sorta gives me the rush similar to a good fishing spot or a good day hunting, you never know the trophy you may bag!
As much as I like things like yard/garage/estate/farm sales hunting for knives, I still miss walking into that hardware store, saying Hi, talking a little and picking up a few knives to see which one looked and felt the best. Occasionally you might see something at an antique shop and that can be a thrill.

I like to be able to hold a knife first also. 

The hardware store option is faiding fast these days.  There are a couple that I like to visit in North Carolina, when we're in the area. 

I've been dissapointed with internet shopping, in the past, tho SMKW will always stand behind your purchases. 

Currently in the middle of a transaction with a dealer that was reccomended by another iKC member, that looks promising.

I do all of my knife (and other hobby) buying on the internet. I have found a handful of knife dealers that are excellent to do business with on the net; fast service, excellent resolution of any problems.

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