I hear all the time, I want this knife but how do I let my other half know?  He/she doesn't come to the forums!

Over the years I have developed a round about link to let your entire family know what is on your wish list.  I put together a list on FB that can be shared by anyone, once you share it...your friends and family see it.

The list aside, I want to know whats on your wish list!  I want to ask that you think about our sponsors as you put that list together.  They pay the nuts and bolts that keep iKC alive.  I call it shopping local, right here from our sponsors links.  A click on any of the ads running on iKC will take you to that sponsors home page.

There are manufactures and knife sales sites.

You can buy right from Colonial Knives, White River knives, Maher and Grosh, Fiddleback Forge.  Or look through the selections at Reed Cutlery, Lees Cutlery, JSR sports and Kifer Classic Cutlery. At Gear2Survive you can peruse not only knives but lots of survival and outdoor gear.  We all know Bruce Voyles has some wonderful auctions and who doesn't want a subscription to Knife Magazine?  

So let's let our loved ones know what we would like and even where to get it !  Shopping local supports not only our sponsors businesses but us as well.

Thank you

Tags: With, holidays, list?, looming, on, the, whats, wish, your

Views: 204

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On my wish list?  Everyone knows I am a history and research nut...The new Boker book and an old Boker to go with it!

Not that I'm on the "Good" list, but here goes anyway!

RE-NEW my KNIFE magazine subscription (I'm sure it's coming up)

iKnifeCollector 2019 Calendar (got it early!)

A Maher and Grosh Boys Knife would look good in my pocket

A ZT Copper Natrix

A Red Ryder Carbine Lever Action Rifle BB Gun (I promise not to shoot my eye out)

Any old Boker that catches my eye

Taking stock of what all I have, at the moment, I've come to the realization, that I don't need anything, though a box of cigars, a bottle of bourbon and a good Whittler would be appreciated.

If we're talking White River, there's that Camp Cleaver...  But there's really no way we can afford it, especially since I don't even know if it would fit my 2xl mitts. 


But I really like that blade shape -- so in the meantime, I might just have to be satisfied with asking for the Tereva Skrama, on Varustaleka (provided they come in stock sometime soon).  


There is a folder I'm hoping to buy myself as well -- the Cougar Creek Teton Mountain in red bone or red micarta...  They're not up on the Reed Cutlery website, but I communicated with Cougar Creek on Facebook & they said there would be more of the Teton Mountains listed soon (Reed Cutlery is the exclusive Cougar Creek dealer, & the Cougar Creek site flips over to Reed Cutlery).


Oh, there are more, but I wanted to add to this conversation ASAP & keep it going!


YES to both the Cleaver and the Cougar creek.  The Teton is an exceptional knife and I want the cleaver also!

Well you got your Calendar and I got my Boker Book!  Lets' both try for a Maher & Grosh Boys knife since we are doing so good!

I cannot wait to get a chance to read this, what I have flipped through made it hard to set down!

Ricky Ray said:

Not that I'm on the "Good" list, but here goes anyway!

RE-NEW my KNIFE magazine subscription (I'm sure it's coming up)

iKnifeCollector 2019 Calendar (got it early!)

A Maher and Grosh Boys Knife would look good in my pocket

A ZT Copper Natrix

A Red Ryder Carbine Lever Action Rifle BB Gun (I promise not to shoot my eye out)

Any old Boker that catches my eye

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