Do you still have your first knife? if you do show a picture of it, I still have my first one, my dad gave it to me about 11 or 12 years old an old uncle henry 3 blade 

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No, no I don't.  I can't remember which was my first knife, but I recall many of the first knives I had as a kid.  A small Imperial peanut-type knife with yellow (plastic?) scales.  A clip-point Imperial fixed blade with black plastic scales (that one got thrown a lot).  A scout-style camping folder with black plastic scales -- can't recall the brand, but it got really difficult to open the blades over time.  The large lockback folder that was too big & heavy to carry without the belt sheath -- brand unknown.  The generic throwing knives & throwing stars.  The little Pakistan-made double-edged dagger (neither of which were sharp) that I won at the Anoka County Fair when I was 10 years old.  The cheap, plastic hollow-handled survival knife that could be mounted on a stick to be used as a spear (once -- maybe).

It's a wonder that I went on to collect knives at all.  Ha!

haha, i always cherished what my dad gave me, maybe i am old fashioned 

dead_left_knife_guy said:

No, no I don't.  I can't remember which was my first knife, but I recall many of the first knives I had as a kid.  A small Imperial peanut-type knife with yellow (plastic?) scales.  A clip-point Imperial fixed blade with black plastic scales (that one got thrown a lot).  A scout-style camping folder with black plastic scales -- can't recall the brand, but it got really difficult to open the blades over time.  The large lockback folder that was too big & heavy to carry without the belt sheath -- brand unknown.  The generic throwing knives & throwing stars.  The little Pakistan-made double-edged dagger (neither of which were sharp) that I won at the Anoka County Fair when I was 10 years old.  The cheap, plastic hollow-handled survival knife that could be mounted on a stick to be used as a spear (once -- maybe).

It's a wonder that I went on to collect knives at all.  Ha!

My first knife.

I pilfered a Butter Knife from one of my mother’s. Used the “grinder man” to reshape the blade .. making sure it was kept cool to avoid damaging the temper. I was 5.

Dad got me a brand new Imperial small Stockman for my 6th b’day. On 180 acres .. I lost it within very few days. To this day .. I know where I lost it .. never did find it.

Over the next few years, my uncles provided a # of “old, used, & abused” various slipjoints & straight knives. I remember cutting out steel spokes of wheel spokes that I managed into daggers. They were relatively soft ..but.. pretty cool at the time. I was 8.

At the age of 17 .. I purchased my first high quality “real” knife for White Tail Deer hunting. A Browning USA folding hunter made of 440C. That was very good blade steel .. back in ‘76. I still proudly own that knife.

Sixty two years on .. I now own a # of unique pieces of cutlery. However .. it’s those first few that I remember so vividly.

D ale

Sounds very much like the knives I started with DLKG.

dead_left_knife_guy said:

No, no I don't.  I can't remember which was my first knife, but I recall many of the first knives I had as a kid.  A small Imperial peanut-type knife with yellow (plastic?) scales.  A clip-point Imperial fixed blade with black plastic scales (that one got thrown a lot).  A scout-style camping folder with black plastic scales -- can't recall the brand, but it got really difficult to open the blades over time.  The large lockback folder that was too big & heavy to carry without the belt sheath -- brand unknown.  The generic throwing knives & throwing stars.  The little Pakistan-made double-edged dagger (neither of which were sharp) that I won at the Anoka County Fair when I was 10 years old.  The cheap, plastic hollow-handled survival knife that could be mounted on a stick to be used as a spear (once -- maybe).

It's a wonder that I went on to collect knives at all.  Ha!

I think it's wonderful to be able to remember so far back Dale, just had a blur of unmemorable knives when I was young. The first one I remember was when I was 10 and my brother returned from the navy and threw me a knife from his bedroom window. It was blunt and I had no way of sharpening it, probably just as well really, never been without a knife since though it is getting hard to carry a knife these days.

D ale said:

My first knife.

I pilfered a Butter Knife from one of my mother’s. Used the “grinder man” to reshape the blade .. making sure it was kept cool to avoid damaging the temper. I was 5.

Dad got me a brand new Imperial small Stockman for my 6th b’day. On 180 acres .. I lost it within very few days. To this day .. I know where I lost it .. never did find it.

Over the next few years, my uncles provided a # of “old, used, & abused” various slipjoints & straight knives. I remember cutting out steel spokes of wheel spokes that I managed into daggers. They were relatively soft ..but.. pretty cool at the time. I was 8.

At the age of 17 .. I purchased my first high quality “real” knife for White Tail Deer hunting. A Browning USA folding hunter made of 440C. That was very good blade steel .. back in ‘76. I still proudly own that knife.

Sixty two years on .. I now own a # of unique pieces of cutlery. However .. it’s those first few that I remember so vividly.

D ale

For fun I started off with Swiss Army knife. Loved the experience and have not been able to give up this habit. 

 nice, mcgyver watcher were you? :D

Matt Miller said:

For fun I started off with Swiss Army knife. Loved the experience and have not been able to give up this habit. 

I can't remember my first knife, I know I lost a lot of knives as a kid.  I do remember two of my Dads knives.  He had a large Swiss Army knife that he kept on a lanyard so he wouldn't lose it.  I remember my Grandmother asking him to fix a lamp cord once.  He cut into it and there was a blue flash and a pop, it was still plugged in!  Took a chunk out of the main blade.  He also had a Buck 102 Woodsman that my brother still has.  I do have a couple of knives from childhood, a little Schrade lockback and a stockman.  

I'm fortunate to have several family heirloom knives.  One is an original Case V42 that my Grandfather acquired after WWII.  Another is a tiny pearl handled Case pen knife that my mother got when she was 10 years old at a birthday party for Russ Cases granddaughter.  Every girl that attended the party got one of the knives with her initials color inlaid on one side and the birthday girls initials on the other side.  At the time Mother lived just a few blocks from the Case factory and they rented their house from the Cases.

Got my first one when I was around 10 or so. 

Can't post a pic 'cause my Dad took it away from me after I carved my initials in a redwood 4x4 support for the car port.

Didn't want to scar up a tree.

Got a whippin'. 


LOL Old Guy, I can appreciate not wanting to scar the tree BUT you have to carve your initials somewhere!  Sorry about the whippin' and I hope the next knife came soon

It seems like I've always had a knife. I about severed my left thumb making a notch in a willow for an arrow that I was designing at a very young age. I still have the scar. I always needed a knife to cut fish bait off the suckers for trout. All my knives were probably cheap ones because I lost some and left some in pin holes on Northern Pacific Railroad cross arms. I have no idea of any brands until I was in my 30s and I bought a nice Boker and I left it lay in a railroad depot and by the time I realized it, it had gotten legs. Then I started using Gerbers and have used and saved them since. I didn't really start to think about how cool these were to look at until about 1975.From then on I have bought a few of different types and received some from friends. I also belonged to A G Russells club for a few years. I'm not even sure if this is the correct way to be doing this.

No I don't but I have since bought an example of one.....Girl Scout Knife.....

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