Hi all,


Thought I'd start a new thread asking folks to show a Buck knife photo or two. I like just about anything made by Buck. But, am drawn to the Gold etch art knives and love stag handles.

Buck 124 with Colt Firearm's gold etch


David Yellowhorse Dream knife



Views: 12692

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Nice 110's that both of you have.

We need "Like" buttons Jan!!

Dead_left_knife_guy, if you like hatchets perhaps you might like to add a Buck hatchet to your herd?

Here's a red one for ya, 1990 #303 Cadet. My first red Buck, looks lonely in there with all those "stock" black knives, (except for the blue & yellow ones of course). I think I'll send this in for a spa treatment, let's see how shiny they can make it.

Nice collection.

Thanks Billy!

Billy Oneale said:

Nice collection.

Nice Vantage, Billy!  I've got the small in rosewood, & the large in paperstone with the S30V blade.  I really love the profile.  The only problem I've really had after several years is that the blade tends to fall open on the large model if dropped (it's just such an unusual thing -- I guess I'm just used to knives with detents).  Still, incredible knives, those Vantages...

Billy Oneale said:

Here is my newest Buck. I have been wanting this one for a while and finally pulled the trigger on it. I like it a lot.

Here is my newest Buck.  Pretty sure no one else collects the canoes.  ;P  I know, not their highest quality knife, but I really like the size & the incredibly sharp blades!  I used the basic pakkawood/brown dymondwood handled model when the bug bit me (& the knife too -- I mentioned the blaes are incredibly sharp, right?)...

Okay, & my 2nd newest Buck:  the Open Season Small Game with Muddy Water thermoplastic handles, in 420HC...

Nice.I like that color

dead_left_knife_guy said:

Here is my newest Buck.  Pretty sure no one else collects the canoes.  ;P  I know, not their highest quality knife, but I really like the size & the incredibly sharp blades!  I used the basic pakkawood/brown dymondwood handled model when the bug bit me (& the knife too -- I mentioned the blaes are incredibly sharp, right?)...

Billy Oneale said:

Nice.I like that color

dead_left_knife_guy said:

Here is my newest Buck.  Pretty sure no one else collects the canoes.  ;P  I know, not their highest quality knife, but I really like the size & the incredibly sharp blades!  I used the basic pakkawood/brown dymondwood handled model when the bug bit me (& the knife too -- I mentioned the blaes are incredibly sharp, right?)...


a few more



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