I got a box from Case today addressed to Daniel Sample.  Great!  My grandson's Junior Member annual knife is here!  I opened the box with great expectation.  GROAN!  There was no knife in the box, there was a cap!  It is a nice cap, but I didn't order a cap, I ordered a knife.  The packing slip stated it was the knife, but there was only the cap in the box.  I emailed support at customer service telling them of the error and requesting they send the knife as ordered.  I will also call them Monday.


I think they ought to let me keep the cap also for my trouble.  What do you all think?

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Good Work Lisa and Case!!!

Now I cant wait to see the knives when they arrive 

Unfortunately patience isn't my long suit.

Craig Henry :

That's great Charles!

You'll have them in no time. Now, patience Grasshopper. LOL!

Same here Charles. And the older I get the less I have.


I'm glad they got it straightened out for you! Lisa is a sweetie! You get to keep the cap too! Man, I like that deal for a little in conveince! But that's just me!

I know it was a pain in the backside just having to get ahold of someone and all the rest that entails!

It'll be over soon and you'll get to put up your Grandsons knife! You gonna save the cap for him also? LOL!

Patience doesn't work for me either and it's not cause I'm old!

I was happy when she said the knife had been shipped and I could keep the cap.  All I have to do now is gather up the patience to wait for it.

I was thinking just this afternoon that I should save it for him too.  If I can get him to hold still long enough, I want to take his picture with it on and post it.  That's not easy to do with a 21 month old active boy.  I also am going to save all his Case Collector magazines.

Max McGruder said:


I'm glad they got it straightened out for you! Lisa is a sweetie! You get to keep the cap too! Man, I like that deal for a little in conveince! But that's just me!

I know it was a pain in the backside just having to get ahold of someone and all the rest that entails!

It'll be over soon and you'll get to put up your Grandsons knife! You gonna save the cap for him also? LOL!

Thats what we do also Charles.  We dont even open Dakotas we just put them in a drawer just for his case collectors club stuff

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