what do you think is cold steel's best fixed blade?

I would have to go with the trail master, without question I have never used a fixed blade that can to to what it does and take the abuse that it does and still keep its edge.

However, if you're going for a bargain i have to say that their best fixed blade is the recon tanto, a lot of knife for the money.

So what is your favorite cold steel fixed blade?

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I really like my Recon Scout
That is a tough one...especially since I just watched a GI Tanto destruction test. Man...that knife is ridiculously tough. My favorite fixed blade Cold Steel knife has to be the OSS...with the ODA and Trail Master running close seconds. I also have a Kobun that is very cool...and if the sheath weren't a mess, I'd rate it higher.
srk... its a beast...
My favorite is the Khukri machete, travels with me on every hike. And keep a magnum Khukri in the truck toolbox...just in case. Easy to keep sharp with a mill file as well.
The SRK is quite a balanced knife...
master hunter, the balance is there and it is also very strong, will make sure work of skinning a deer.
I would have to say that the Tanto. I have had it for over 14 years and have used it extensively and am very happy with it.
i haven't gotten to use a trail master yet but I absolutley LOVE my peacekeeper (discontinued) and suprisingly my true flight thrower makes for a great camping knife.
I'm partial to my CS OSI. I got it mainly as a lighter update/upgrade to my old Othello Bowie, which has served me well over the years, but it is a bit of a tank in the weight department. However, for an inexpensive, lightweight, large-sized beast, the CS Warhead is an absolute treat to wield around.
yea im with you on not being into fighting knives thats y i want to trade my oss
what would you want for your oss


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