When I joined this Group just a week ago I thought "I have a few Colonials ... must dig them out" As it turns out I don't have many at all ...  lest ways knives actually tang stamped "Colonial". There may well be others here made by Colonial for other brands.

Top to Bottom  3 Blade Electrician,  Ranger Stockman with Colonial Tang Stamp    and an E2 Last week I had no idea Colonial was still producing Knives including this E2  I picked this up in an online auction and assumed it was maybe 70's - 80's vintage.

This one is Tang Stamped 'Ranger' but I an 'fairly' confident it is made by Colonial - this and the white Stockman above are 3 blades with 3 springs - nicely done too not as thick/bulky as you would think.

 And these 'sort of' qualify - top 2 remodeled from a 3 blade Colonial Electrician like the one in the top pic  and the Bottom knife re-made from a plastic clam-shell Colonial Barlow.

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These are part of my Colonial collection.

I have a Colonial electrician knife.

And a Colonial Ranger

And a Colonial barlow.


Did you re-handled those bottom 3? I love the checkering on the top 2 in that pic. Now instead of an Electrician's knife the middle one looks like a Barehead Jack while the two on either side are sweet looking Barlows. Nice stag on that bottom one, too!

G'Day Ron yep in the bottom photo ....On the top 2 knives, I added new brass liners, bronze bolsters and the walnut scales came from an old gun stock. More info here ...


The bottom one has copper bolsters, stag scales & its now developing a nice patina.

Charles ... nice couple of Colonials there ... I thought I had a Colonial Barlow but can't lay my hands on it at present.

Thanks for that link, Derek!

That is...you are...simply amazing!

You did a great job peening all of those pins, not to mention the magic you worked on those scales.

I tip my hat to you, sir ~ Great work!


The ranger is indeed a Colonial Brand

this is a Ranger series Brand manufactured by Colonial for over 30 years-A true back bone of the Colonial brand-Colonial has only recently started dating their products with the year of manufacture beginning in 2006

This information is in our research area and was provided by Steve Paolantonio http://iknifecollector.com/group/knifechicks2/forum/topics/date-and...

Thanks Jan ... just had a quick look ..... Wow had no idea all that info was there. That will fill at least a couple of hours later today.

Hi Folks,

I'm a bit 'time poor' over the next couple of days so taking the lazy way out here.

The E2 pictured in my OP has the following Tang Stamp  



   Prov., R.I.

Is the "08" significant? That is, ...  does it mean made in 2008 perhaps?

Thanks in advance Derek


White River Knives

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