Comment by Ryan Daniels on January 30, 2012 at 9:37

Hey everyone sorry for not commenting that last few weeks. I have been working on the knives beleve it or not. Yes we should have are first knife out in the next 2-3 weeks (if there is no road bumps) It is as you all know the Lock Back Trapper with Amber India Stag with a production of 50 knives. The dealers that will selling them is myself, Greg Holmes at TSA Knives, & Ken Mundhenk Blue Creek Cutlery. There are only 50 I know I have some already spoke for so if you want to get one please go ahead and reserve yours. The knives will be coming in tubes with the Label above and come in a black velvet pouch and a certificate. The knives will have no blade etches or serial numbers . I have also been looking at everyones suggestions for patterns and I like them all some are ones we were already planinng to do but sorry to say none metioned below will be in the next few patterns which we already had working into motion. I am still working on the webpage should have it up in a few weeks I will be bringing more information as I get more info right here. Thanks again everyone for joining and sorry I haven't made this active enough but I will be growing every week. Thanks again

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Comment by Jan Carter on February 19, 2012 at 6:31

From the website

News:  There has been a change to the Genuine Burnt Stag Lock Back Trapper coming up. There will be something special about these run of knives and there is only 50. So keep us on your bookmark so you can know about future updates.

Comment by Ryan Daniels on February 27, 2012 at 16:03

Hey everyone sorry havn't had anything new on here for a week or so. I just got back from National Gun Day in Louisville, KY and saw some great friends. I want to welcome all the new members of the group you will find that we are all family here and I would love to meet every single one of you in person. If you didn't know my family doesn't just do business on here and our website. We have a very full schedule of shows all year which is posted on the website if you see one close to you send me a message and I'll look for you at the show. Also this week I will be opening two new tabs on the website. The first will be a tab for my wife, Courtney Daniels, which lists several knives on eBay weekly and also takes care of our Antique/Discontinued knife department you can get a hold of her through e-mail. I will be posting her stuff on the website each week as we get it rolling. Second is a new tab for myself I do sell handmade and art knives at the shows and will start listing them on the website so please check for updates.


Comment by Ryan Daniels on March 2, 2012 at 8:54

Thanks again everyone for joining we will be posting the winner of the contest next Tuesday and being everyone did so much to make this happen I do have a few constellation prizes so make sure to check back in on Tuesday Night around 8-9 p.m

Comment by Jan Carter on May 28, 2012 at 17:57

Well so far it is just a pair of Kings.  Decided to buy the third after Courtney had already mailed the original box.  Thats OK, the waiting is part of the fun in knife buying

Comment by Jan Carter on May 29, 2012 at 18:42

Thanks Guys, The third King came home today

Comment by Jan Carter on June 8, 2012 at 22:52

New Daniel's offering.  Not available for purchase until next week, take a look!!!

Comment by Bill Fletcher on June 9, 2012 at 14:27

A few weeks back, I posted pics of my first Tuna Valley Cutlery, Co. 2012, Cotton King an 1 of 50 Ebony handled Cotton Sampler with: Velvet case and Certificate included; Length closed 4 1/2 in. ; Length open 8 1/8 in.; Steel - 1095 High Carbon that was manufactured by Great Eastern and distributed by Daniels Family Knives.  With the

Tuna Valley Cutlery release of two additional Cotton Kings: One being an Amber stag handled 1 of 30 and the other a Burnt stag handled 1 of 25. Count me as a bonified knifeaholic, happy with his trio of Tuna Valley Cotton Samplers.  The folks at Daniels family Knives have been super great to work with.  Thanks and best regards

Comment by Russell Fulmer on June 9, 2012 at 23:15

I enjoyed meeting you folks at Blade today, and good luck on your Queen deal.  I also picked this up while at the show :-)

Comment by Jan Carter on July 10, 2012 at 19:07

Paul, the swing guard , the black ebony and the 2 newest (sleeveboards) all made at Queen.  Different types of knives and those that GEC has not done a pattern on yet




Comment by Ryan Daniels on October 10, 2012 at 14:05

There will be a new Tuna out in two weeks. There will be Genuine India Amber Stag & Genuine India Burnt Stag this will be Courtney first official project and I think it's going to received well. There won't be this big gap in between projects now that we own Queen. I've been working non stop on Queencutlery.com but will be getting the Danielsfamilyknives.com back to regular updates!


Comment by Ryan Daniels on November 29, 2012 at 16:35

Sorry everyone I've been loading packages at UPS way to many hours. This season has completely wore me down.

I do have another project coming right before Christmas. Now I won't let you know the pattern but we are using a different specialty steel, CM-154. This is a great steel that is being used a lot in the hand made and tactical markets but for pocket knives only a few people have tried it and with very little options. We are expecting a very warm reception to this new offering.

Comment by Ryan Daniels on January 28, 2013 at 16:55

Just got all the material in for a NEW Tuna Valley Cutlery Co. Osieau Metal Arts Project. This ivory is going to look awesome!!

Comment by Courtney Daniels on February 13, 2013 at 19:21

Thank you all for following the Tuna Valley Cutlery Company line. As you know I have just released my newest pattern the Swell Center Moose in Burnt Stag and Amber Stag limited to 50 of each. I'm excited about this knife and they are moving fast. Thank you again for everyone's continuing support!




Comment by Jan Carter on March 11, 2013 at 17:17

The Moose is such a fantastic knife.  I only took out the one certificate but both knives

Comment by Jan Carter on June 5, 2013 at 18:49

LOL, Ron

Here is what came home in the Tuna line...yes one will be a user for a review (he is kinda getting used to that I may have created a monster for myself LOL)


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