You know on those rare occasions when you're in the right place at the right time and you get a great deal on a knife. Or happen to walk into a gun shop and/or knife store and you get a knife that was just released. Or then again you get the last one in stock of a popular blade. Or your buddy (poor guy) has to sell a knife immediately. Or you actually look down and found a good knife...ah Happy times...lol!

Tags: benchmade, blades, cold, deal, discoveries, edc, emerson, find, first, happy, More…knife, production, score, sku, sog, spyderco, steel, times, trade

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Back in Feb. 2009 I was in McCully Bicycle and Sporting Goods store here in Hawaii. They had just put out an box of items the found in the stock room and marked everything 50% off. Long story short I got a NIB Emerson SpecWar A for $50.oo it was priced $165.99 I believe...I got it for less than 50%...sweeet!
If I was the owner(family business) I would have put it in my collection instead of taking a loss. Went back the next day and got a Emerson CQC-7A for $50.00 too!
A fellow in another pocket knife club had some knives made special for him by Northwoods (Queen). They were a railsplitter moose pattern with the arrowhead shield. There were 30 made with ebony and 48 made with stag. I snagged one of the ebony ones at a fair price. A few days later, he sold on on ebay for $3 more, and then his store raised the price $10!
About 5 years ago I bought a set of 6 Schrade 3rd generation knives with boxes, papers & sleeves for $100 plus shipping. I figured I would have to get $18 each if I were ever to sell them. The last 2 years they have been selling consistently on ebay for $25 to $40 (they are not offered very often, kind of rare).
I get all my good deals at gun shows. I got a used Buck Strider 880SP for $80. They are runnin for around $180 on ebay now. I also got my spyderco karambit brand new for $75. They usually run for $150 on ebay.
I found a coldsteel recon tanto at a pawn shop for $10. At the same shop bought what they told me was a dummy Glock 17 for $50 and found out someone had taken the striking pin out of it otherwise it was a good pistol.
whoa...he shoots and...scores...Bigtime on the Glock!

Ending of March 2009 I went to my friends gun shop. She just received a delivery. I got the only BENCHMADE 760 BK LF Ti BOB LUM DESIGN (Tanto Blade) in her order...First Production Run, #442/1000, Benchmade Black box...YATA!!!
just watched some of your youtube vids J.T.. fantastic i love them just subscribed.
I just landed a new Spyderco Salt 1 on eBay for only $43. I think the typical price is $60 and up.
i never get great deals.....*sad face*
One of the really cool things about iKC is all the different types of knives and niche's collected. While I have many knives I had to pay out the nose to get, this one was a deal, but it isn't an EDC.

I'll only tell because I'm among friends here. Agreed? My best deal was I only had to pay $1,000 for this beauty-

I know most of you may not be familiar but this is a Case Brothers Cutlery Co. Stag handled elephant toenail made between 1900- 1914. It is in fantastic condition. Case Brothers knives in this original condition are very hard to find.
Thanks...much appreciated...OSU!!!(KARATE EXPRESSION)
your time will come...


White River Knives

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