Hi everyone and welcome to our newest members,


Something we have not talked about lately is new aquisitions.  Tell us about your latest and greatest GEC.  Donnie bought me both the new 23's in the Beavertail (Worlds greatest husband by the way)  He got himself the newest 73 in Primitive bone.  THAT is a heck of a nice knife.


What have you gotten lately?

Tags: Cutlery, Eastern, Great

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Tom, I with you on the smooth bone, I like it alot also. Smooth Ivory Bone that's as close as I'll ever get to the real stuff.

Here tis.

I know it's a bad pic,but I was excited to get it on here.

That's a beauty Gerald! I just picked up  this version of the SFO GEC Harness Jack #5s. Great knives as usual from GEC. There's a reason these knives are great, I haven't gotten a dud yet. I've been buyin them since 2006, the year they started.


I can't wait, maybe ours will be here today!!  Perry, that sure is a sweet harness Jack


Thanks for posting a pic of your new IKC knife! I'm hoping that mine will show up today (thought that it would have arrived yesterday but no). How are you liking it?



I bought too many of this frame style (including the Blade Forum version) but I really like the SFO that you have! The bone color, jigging, shield, pinched bolsters and long pulls are all winners for me! I also like the new punch blade used for this SFO! Thanks for posting a picture of yours!

I am hoping that with the screwdriver from the BF knife, the punch from your SFO and a nice long pull spear blade that soon GEC will come up with a can opener blade and make a camp knife since they pretty much have all of the parts and they just need to pick the frame and put em all together! IF GEC doesn't do it then I'd bet someone else will beat em to it by having GEC do an SFO for them.

Thanks Perry and Tom. I really like this one. I've met the people from GEC a couple of times at the AG Russell show and they are very nice people and have a quality product.

Tom should be there today only took 2 days for mine.

Got my IKC knife today! It's my first in the Indian Choffee jig bone and I like it! I love the #72 pattern so it's a win win for me. Wish that we'd done a more classic shield though but this may be a user so it won't matter much and if it isn't then it won't matter much either. Fit and finish are pretty darn good on mine. There is a very small amount of vertical walk on the blade (not wobble) but less than some of the previous #72's that I have. It doesn't seem bad enough to send it back and I wouldn't have even noticed it if vertical walk had not been an issue with previous 72's of mine. The only downside on mine is that the blade tip, when closed, seems to ride about a mm too high and almost catches skin when rubbed ( I can open the knife with my fingernail by rubbing it across the knife tip - may be time to cut my fingernails!). This may worsen with sharpening if the knife becomes a user but I have a bunch of old knives that do the same thing and they are tolerable. I do like the knife alot though!

Great to Hear Tom, about the good that is. 

I thought there was some slight play in mine, but I tried it again and it's a tight one. I did some whittling with it and there is no play. I really like the tightness in a blade, so I am very pleased with my #72. This pattern seems to have a history of blade play problems though, but I would be lying if I said I didn't see it on other lockbacks, such as the great Buck 110.

The coffee bone is extremely attractive to me, I love the jig on it and the colors are awesome. The shield is a bit plain, but I have really come to enjoy that about it. This knife was mean't to be a user for me, I planned on that from the beginning, so the shield just compliments the usability of this knife.

Thank you Tom and Gerald for your kind words. I am always lookin forward to seeing what new SFOs come out, they always get my money if the uniqueness is there!

Thank you Jan! I have an example of every one of  Charlie's SFOs going back to the first he ever made. Hopefully this weekend I can post some pics of them.

Just a great lookin knife and the fact it came from IKC is even better!

My newest I got from a tradin buddy of mine, GEC Northfield Congress in Snakewood.


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