Hi everyone and welcome to our newest members,


Something we have not talked about lately is new aquisitions.  Tell us about your latest and greatest GEC.  Donnie bought me both the new 23's in the Beavertail (Worlds greatest husband by the way)  He got himself the newest 73 in Primitive bone.  THAT is a heck of a nice knife.


What have you gotten lately?

Tags: Cutlery, Eastern, Great

Views: 12365

Replies to This Discussion

Jan, that spear looks better on here. Too close to call.

Great knives.


How about a close up of the new twins? The spear seems to have more character but the clip is looking real good too! I have a few clips on order but they have not showed up at my door yet.  That's a sweet pair!

These showed up on Friday but just got pics up today.  Thanks Tom, you know how he loves his Primitive Bones (OK, I am kinda partial to them also LOL)


Looks like you and I use the same painter! The outside of my house has looked like that for years and I just finished re-painting. Now only the inside looks like that. Thanks for the close ups!

Very NICE Jan!

Jan , Tom sorry for the late reply. Been a very busy guy lately.  My big toe is a pumpkin finish but it sure is a dark amber to me. Whatever it's called it's a beauty. Everyone I showed at work was a show stopper. Thinking about getting a clip blade to go with it.  kinda knife ya just dont see much. Kinda high on the coolness factor. It gets a smile every time I show it. Herb

LOL, Its just an old table they we pulled out for the rustic value in the picture.  But that reminds me...Donnie, we need to think about painting the house

Tom Peterson said:


Looks like you and I use the same painter! The outside of my house has looked like that for years and I just finished re-painting. Now only the inside looks like that. Thanks for the close ups!


Donnie says he would have come by and helped you paint but with looking at knives, you would never get anything done.  Notice he did not say anything about painting our house


Tell Donnie to come on by. We could spend the whole day just looking at knives! We don't have to get anything done - work is overrated! Tell him to bring the prim bones and the Beaver Tails!!! Just give me a couple of days notice so I can clean up the place a bit and make some room to spread out all of the cutlery. My knives may still need some Ren wax but there is always room for some improvement. Let me know if you all are heading to my area though.


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