Hi everyone and welcome to our newest members,


Something we have not talked about lately is new aquisitions.  Tell us about your latest and greatest GEC.  Donnie bought me both the new 23's in the Beavertail (Worlds greatest husband by the way)  He got himself the newest 73 in Primitive bone.  THAT is a heck of a nice knife.


What have you gotten lately?

Tags: Cutlery, Eastern, Great

Views: 12367

Replies to This Discussion

Very handsome knife Handmade Blades! With as fast as GEC is putting out knives it is hard to keep up and acquire some of the older classic knives. I don't have any '06's myself. They always seem to look better in the collectors pictures than they do on the distributors pictures. Great bone color and jigging on your #23!

Yes they are Caleb! I still have a couple of the 06 knives by GEC and I love the power of the snap!

I wonder if one year will be more valuable than another year or the older ones more valuable than the newer ones?

You are all correct.  Those oldies but goodies snap like crazy LOVE IT!!


Have you seen the #66 Moose spear blades ready to be blade ground.

Yes Mam, those are bad to the bone. Thanks for the info.

Robert V,

Wonderful 73's.  That is actually Donnie EDC choice on most days.  It is just such a good all around user and comfy in the pocket also.  Nice newbies, enjoy them

I'm up to 9 GEC's Northfield #36 in Burnt Stag (would like to see a big piece of genuine sambar someday), Buffalo Horn (Luca, Alan) amber bone and red bone. Tidioute, 08's #36 Frontier bone, Burnt Grizzly bone. Carved Pumpkin bone, (this will be my pumpkin carving knife) and 2 watch pockets in Black ebony, and Buffalo horn.

Dana, you have been busy lately! Sounds like you are hooked now! Watch out - they are addictive!!!

Hey have you joined the Daniels Family Knives Group? I think most of our GEC group has joined up but Ken Daniels, former partner at GEC has split off and purchased rights to Tuna Valley Knives an old knife maker. They just put out their first knife, a very handsome Amber Stag Lockback (#72 pattern made by GEC). Ken's son Ryan has formed a group on iKC called Daniels Family Knives and they are giving away a knife once their group reaches 100 members. They are at 96 right now, so 4 more to go. They are giving away a prototype of their first knife and it has engraved bolsters and it's very nicely done. If you join the group you get a chance to win the knife. If you are in a generous mood mention that I referred you and I will get another chance to win too. Good luck!  I hope that they reach 100 soon, anxious for some lucky person to win this beautiful knife! If you have already joined please disregard.

OK Sounds good.


Try posting it using the image button rather than the link. That way we can see it better. When I look at your new stag #36 it takes up the whole screen and I have to scroll back and forth to see the whole knife. It looks like an awfully big knife!!! Just kidding! Sometimes you do get some variation between one side and the other although I know that GEC tries hard to match up the scales.

OK I'll see if I can find it. Thanks

It is the second icon from the left above where you type Dana


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