Stop by and join the gang for a fresh cup of coffee.

Leave your mug and the coffee is free.


Dine-in's only.

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Alright folks. Ya better sign me up.
I leave my mug here all the time anyway.

It ain't purdy, but it is highly functional- Here's my real edc coffee mug

Hey JJ;
IF I stop by around 5 or 5;30 PM ,...
Recond I could get a Jack & Coke instead of coffee ??
I will leave me High Ball glase here if you want me too !!
Have a Good-One my Friend
Come on by Brad. It's been a while since you've stopped by.

Now we can't have you out representing iKC with that "plain jane" travel mug.
How about something more befitting your stature here?

Guess it's time to repair the old "Bunn-O-Matic".
Hey its time for coffee. I do my best thinkin with a cup of coffee in my hand!
I take it you don't want "De-Caf".

Hog Hanner said:
Hey its time for coffee. I do my best thinkin with a cup of coffee in my hand!

J.J. Smith III said:
I take it you don't want "De-Caf".

Uh no my hands are shakin too much better make it leaded
Hello JJ and all,
Just taking my first walk around the neighborhood. Friendly little burg. Probably be stopping in often. Next time I'll bring a leavin' mug.
Next time you're in New Orleans I'll buy you some real coffee or we can go down to the docks and see what "falls off the truck". See ya around.
I really need to switch to de caf....is there even such a thing?


White River Knives

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