The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
So you who know me also know about my grandson Aaron (Winter Shadow) . . . he just started college and will be turning 18 soon . . . so what do you think would be a good knife to gift him for this important right of passage into manhood? Most of you have experienced this step into manhood, I, clearly, have not, so I do not know what is appropriate. He already has the basics, a Leatherman Wave, a Buck 110, and a Buck 119. So throw some suggestions at me. Hopefully less than $100, or closer to $50. He likes fixed blades, especially swords, but a folder wouldn't be out of the question.
My Tenacious was my first Spyderco purchase, & it's been a solid workhorse ever since. It's got a good heat treatment & a sturdy build allowing the user to have great confidence in the knife. That knife will not let him down.
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