Below is an alphabetic  list of popular Traditional Pattern Knives that knife makers thing we want to collect.  List the same patterns from most favorite (most likely) to collect to least favorite (least likely to collect)  I know there is a some variety within some of the patterns but try and go with the the most common version as this is what most companies sell! 

In the case of this survey, were not interested in what you collect but which of these patterns you are most likely to collect and least likely to collect!  (two of the nine are small patterns the toothpick and peanut)  The reason these nine have been chosen is because they seem to be the ones most often made by the knife companies!

Barlow (Two blade Medium normally  3.5 to 4 inch)

Canoe (Standard 3 5/8 inch)

Congress (medium  3.5 to 3.75 inch)

Muskrat (Standard, normally 3 7/8 to  4 inch)

Peanut (Standard Small, 2 7/8 standard)

Stockman (medium 3.25 to 3.75 inch)

Toothpick (Standard Small -  3 inch )

Trapper (Standard  4 1/8 inch)

Whittler (Medium normally 3.25 to 3.75)

(below is the same list with an example image







Toothpick (small)



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1 - Whittler 

2 - Stockman 

3 - Barlow 

4 - Congress

5 - Canoe 

6 - Peanut 

7 - Toothpick 

8 - Trapper 

9 - Muskrat

Interesting poll :-)  

5    Barlow (Two blade Medium)
3    Canoe (Standard )
8    Congress (medium)
7    Muskrat (Standard)
1    Peanut (Standard Small)
2    Stockman (Medium)
   Toothpick (Standard Small)
4    Trapper (Standard)
6    Whittler (Medium)

My preferred order

  1. Canoe (standard)
  2. Toothpick (small)
  3. Barlow  (two blade medium)
  4. Congress (medium)
  5. Whittler  (medium)
  6. Stockman (medium)
  7. Muskrat (standard)
  8. Peanut (standard, small)
  9. Trapper (standard)

I actually  went through my collection and handled several of each  pattern before deciding.. The results surprised me!

Wow, now we have to think, organizing 9 shapes in a different order, is this common core for knife collectors? lol

1, Whittler

2, Barlow


4, Trapper

5, Peanut

6, Canoe

7, Congress

8, Toothpick

9, Muskat

Michael, common core is when I try and put all the responses into a matrix ans rank the patterns according to the respondents!

1) Barlow (Two blade Medium normally 3.5 to 4 inch)
2) Canoe (Standard 3 5/8 inch)
3) Peanut (Standard Small, 2 7/8 standard)
4) Toothpick (Standard Small - 3 inch )

Here down-Won't buy at all
5) Congress (medium 3.5 to 3.75 inch)
6) Muskrat (Standard, normally 3 7/8 to 4 inch)
7) Stockman (medium 3.25 to 3.75 inch)
8) Trapper (Standard 4 1/8 inch)
9) Whittler (Medium normally 3.25 to 3.75)

Not trying to be difficult, I'm just a picky collector....lol

Doug, I'm sure you're not the only one!  I just my my first true muskrat about a month ago and it a was muskrat of spite!  And while  I have bought more trappers, I like the muskrat better!  Still I doubt I will ever actively either of the patterns.

Doug Thrower said:

1) Barlow (Two blade Medium normally 3.5 to 4 inch)
2) Canoe (Standard 3 5/8 inch)
3) Peanut (Standard Small, 2 7/8 standard)
4) Toothpick (Standard Small - 3 inch )

Here down-Won't buy at all
5) Congress (medium 3.5 to 3.75 inch)
6) Muskrat (Standard, normally 3 7/8 to 4 inch)
7) Stockman (medium 3.25 to 3.75 inch)
8) Trapper (Standard 4 1/8 inch)
9) Whittler (Medium normally 3.25 to 3.75)

Not trying to be difficult, I'm just a picky collector....lol

1. muskrat

2. Trapper

3. stockman

4. whittler

5. barlow

6. peanut

7. congress

8. canoe

9. toothpick

I don't have a canoe or a toothpick...yet


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