I recently was able acquire a small lot of ulu knives that all needed to be cleaned, restored, or refurbished.

Here is a before photo of one that was missing a handle.

I spent a good bit of time cleaning it up, then I was getting ready to make a new handle for it out of some home harvested and seasoned curly walnut.  When I was getting ready to begin the woodwork, I thought that using part of an antler from a buck I harvested a year ago would look more appropriate, so I shifted gears and here is the end result of my work.


Just needs a tune up on the edge, and It should be a fully functional knife.

This is not your normal run of the mill knife, but I hope you enjoy the results of the refurbishment and transformation.

Views: 63

Replies to This Discussion

Oh nicely done! Once again, a triumph. Not sure that handle design will be efficient fileting a salmon, but it should be effective nonetheless. As for chopping chives or mincing herbs...brother that can't be beat!

Looking forward to seeing what the others in the lot you obtained looks like....good stuff.

Really nice, Kevin.  I have a couple of ULUs.  They are useful tools.

We should start an Ulu group...like the Kukri group. I have several, Kevin just bought a hoard, you have several George....I'll look into that. 

Some time ago while on a hunting trip to Alaska, I managed to visit the ULU factory.  I bought one with a mammoth tooth handle.  Picked up another one with a simple wooden handle at a yard sale.  I use that second one to slice pizza, and it works like a charm.

The ULU factory


Definitely the right choice for the handle, Kevin,

It's an appropriate and visually appealing piece.

As long as it's comfortable to hold and use it's a 10 out of 10 refurb.

I had to take a bit of time holding that rack in all sorts of ways to find a section that felt really good.  For me, I it feels better with my thumb along the small point, and my palm near the fatter end.  Jade's hands are small enough, she doesn't have a preference. 

Very cool transformation indeed Kevin!  Nicely done.

Oh, that is enjoyable!  I love how it has that "Y" configuration, for a finger to slip into...

Any idea what the steel/s is/are on these ulu blades you acquired?  Some sort of L6, by any chance?

I've been slowly building my ulu collection over the years, & trying to learn how to be more comfortable using them...  

These ulu builds are really cool, Kevin!

Yeah, Lars!  I'll join that group!

Lars Ray said:

We should start an Ulu group...like the Kukri group. I have several, Kevin just bought a hoard, you have several George....I'll look into that. 

Lol! Just posted it my friend...please, I give you the honor of being the first to post in it. But you better hurry - I am about ready to add some myself!

Dead Left,

Other than I know the blade is carbon steel, I do not know the exact alloy of the steel.  L6 only has about .7%  chromium, so that would be plausible.  I can possibly take it to work and shoot it with our little X-ray gun in the hopes that it can ID an alloy.

I use ULU's at least once a week. They are great for chopping veggies and such


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