Hey who all on here hunts, and if so what do you hunt? What are some of your favorite game to hunt?

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Any new hunting tales?
Sorry, Miss Jan, a few medical problems. I'll try get one up soon.
I'll try tell y'all a story about one of my grand daughters first deer. I just need help from the other to pull it off...lol

Well, I made it to my wooded sanctuary again and I had another beautiful time. I saw three squirrels, but I didn't bring one home. The month is early yet for good squirrel hunting, too many leaves left on the trees. I do have a Small game hunt set up this year, we only got about four guys, but it safe not having too many people around. We'll be hunting at least three properties, so there is no stress to fill the game pouch now. 


I will keep you guys updated on my success this year.

In 2006 my oldest grand daughter turned 15 years old and it was time for her to progress from squirrels to deer. She was ready and looking foward to the task. I thought our chances would be very good for killing a doe and sorta tough for killing a buck. The region that my camp and the area I hunt is 6 point or better for bucks and they start getting pretty tough to kill at that size. My grand daughter and her first cousin both came to spend the weekend and make the deer hunt with me. The saturday morning found Kelly and I in a deer stand, ready for action but luck would not be in our favor this cold Louisiana morning for all we saw were squirrels and birds. I was not discouraged a bit for most of the activity that I had seen and scouted for was in the late afternoon. After a dinner of hot dogs over an open fire, 3 o'clock finally rolled around. I was getting the gear together when Kelly announced that Allison wanted to come along, well it's hard enough to keep one little girl much less two. I tried to discourage them but it was no use. It was gonna be both little girls or nothing. Well we headed out and and sure enough the deer showed up on que and she made an exellent shot.Old paw paw was about as proud as a peacock. The pictures are of this last years deer hunting with me. She has come every year since then and killed a deer including a big 6 point. I'll tell y'all about the 6 point later that's a great story, but y'all will have to wait. Till next time.

Thanks Robert I needed that.  Great pics and story
I think the person that can keep two young girls quite on a deer stand has to have a special attitude...lol
You are sooo correct about that my friend

Great read Robert.

It amazes me that miles away, old traditions still run deep. Our farm has seen it's share of first hunts and I'm glad for that. There is something just..... American, about sharing a good hunting story. Online we sit miles apart, but I feel we could easily be at a campfire enjoying a quite evening.


I'm telling you guys, we need to go camping again. : )


And Robert, Bless you.

My best buddy has a couple girls and trust me, I have heard some horror stories. : )

Thanks guys and gals, I know one thing, those girls can really shoot well.

 I knew in my bones that morning that it would be a perfect day for squirrel hunting. It was a calm windless day, there was a chill in the air as the young sun peeked over the hill. I stepped outside with my coffee steaming in hand, taking a sip, I thought back to many mornings just like this one. I remembered all the great times that had been afforded in a wooded hollow, or a thick bunny patch. My first squirrel hunt was fresh in my mind.

I laced my boots and headed for the door, unfortunately I was headed to work. It was a good day of work and I had lots of time to reminisce with myself. 


I got off of work early and I knew there would be plenty of good hunting left. I decided to pull out my Dads Sako P72, the last rifle he bought before he passed. It was to be his squirrel hunting for the next season, but that never happened. I picked it up and headed out. I slowly walked my way through a bunny patch as I made for the hollow. Two whitetails made their way along the bunny path as well, they flagged me off as soon as my presence was known.


I found my old stand by, an oak that has harbored many a hunter of this farm. As I walked down to it a good grey made his way for cover, not wanting to rush a shot I just followed him with my eyes. I took a seat and inhaled the fall air, nothing can touch the way it makes me feel. Fifteen short minutes passed when a squirrel got brave, he decided it would be okay to bark at me, well he was wrong. It amazed me how sharp that old Weaver K-4 was, I found my target and soon a grey fell from the air. I pulled out my Mink Skinner and a killed a couple ticks that had made their way into view. It hadn't been three minutes since my shot that a young doe decided to waltz passed me, not 30 yards away. She was entertaining while in view, but she didn't stay long. I looked at my knee only to find another tick trying for me skin, I reached for the Mink again, but as I shifted my arm, the sudden movement of a fur covered tail was noticed. I readied the rifle in a some what uncomfortable position and I sent a 22. round over the head of another grey, I took a second longer for my next shot, it rang true and another bushy tail was added to the game pouch.

Hey Guys

All the best for the coming hunting season, hope its a good one.

Ours is over here in Africa, but I still still have some animals on permit like Blesbuck and Blue wildbeest



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