I like Spyderco knives. The thing is, I have only ever bought 1 Spyderco knife and that G-10 Manix 2 was traded long ago. But the Spydercos keep gravitating toward me, thanks to my friend Joe. He loves Spyderco and he loves giving Spydercos as gifts. All of these are from him. Thanks Joe for the Spyder infestation!!! 

I have here the Szabo folder, Endura Damascus in Orange bone, Blue Manix2 Lightweight, Newest member is the Domino flipper and the 1st gift from Joe is the Caly3 Damascus. All of these are keepers for the obvious reason....

Views: 2109

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Nice selection Brad!

Happy Xmas!

Its a great grouping and think we should do this more often!

Very nice collection !  I like Spyderco's as well...

Great looking knives Brad, I got my first Spyderco knife today.

What did you get Ken?

Ken Spielvogel said:

Great looking knives Brad, I got my first Spyderco knife today.


Nice Delica (Model 1, 2 or 3, not sure).

I really like my new Delica, small enough to fit nicely in my pocket and large enough to get any job done. Titanium frame & Damascus blade make it nice too.

Good looking knife Brad. How can I tell what model mine is?

I am not sure, but they are labeling the Delica 4 as such on the FRN handle. Yours does not look to have a numeral next to the Delica name. Without calling Spyderco or visiting a Spyderco Fan website, I would hazard a guess at it being a first generation Delica.

Great selection.  ANd a good friend as well.


I made some trades with the Domino and Caly3 Damascus. I exchanged the Domino for a ZT 0550 and the Caly3 was traded for a ZT 0301. Good trades monetarily, but I miss the Caly3. 

But Joe has come by since then and gifted me a LionSpy, the Delica Damascus(above), Temperance2 and my current EDC a Black FRN Endura4 Saber grind. 

I will get another Infestation picture later this week.

I have planted the seed of a Pygmy Warrior in Joe's head yesterday.

He brought by his father's M4 Bayonet from the 40's for me to fondle and give him as much information and care/storage tips as I could impart. It was in very good condition, needs a little Flitz to remove some surface rust and light sharpening. But, he didn't want to leave it with me.


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