Hey everyone,

Show me your newest tactical knife purchase! Did you finally give in and buy that knife you just had to have?

What is your latest purchases? I am interested to see what you guys are into.



Tags: knives, newest, pictures, purchase, tactical, tacticool

Views: 10785


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I purchased a Fox MPSK Utility Survival Knife from Michigan Knives. This knife is too big for carrying in my jean's pocket. I purchased it to add to my Italian tactical knife collection.
My latest tactical purchase was probably the Spyderco Paramilitary with the plain edge black blade. This is one hell of a knife. If you purchase one you won't be disappointed. I started my collection with Spyderco's and I have several. I also have a lot of the CLB Bokers, I think these are really cool.

Im jealous! I have been looking at the Paramilitary for a while now. I want to get the digital camo version.


Randy Huckeby said:
My latest tactical purchase was probably the Spyderco Paramilitary with the plain edge black blade. This is one hell of a knife. If you purchase one you won't be disappointed. I started my collection with Spyderco's and I have several. I also have a lot of the CLB Bokers, I think these are really cool.
My favorite tactical folder is probably my ZT0200, its one beast of a knife. But that wasn't the question...

I've haven't bought anything in a while, but I'll give my thumbs up to Spyderco's cheaper "Byrd" line. They're reasonably high quality at an impressively low price.

The paramilitary is sweet little knife, but I'm a bit skeptical compression lock. Any thoughts?
The ZT0200 is one beast of a folder! You got that right. I wish I could handle one before I were to buy it.

As for Spyderco's compression lock, I have heard a lot of great things. Unlike a liner lock the compression lock it on the spine of the knife which prevents any accidental cuts when closing the knife. My friend has a Spyderco paramilitary and said that compression lock is a liner lock on steroids. My friend is also able to close it similar to a Benchmade Axis lock because of how the locking mechanism works.
I think that last knife that I got was my DMCG. :D :D :D

One of the best knives made...ever!!!!

My latest acquisition was my SOG VULCAN...
Very nice. I have been looking at the Vulcan for a bit. Great knife and great review.

I bought two knives that fall into this catagory.the first was the cold steel tilite 6 inch blade , the second was a karambit from Indonesia.
The tilite I liked because I like Italian stilletos , this is what most collectors call Italian switchblades, it's a nice knife but it has it's faults.it's big and it deploys really well, you can snap it open with your thumb, or do that with a wrist flick as well or if you face the blade down you can just snap it open...I think that because the blade is so big it just sails through the ball bearing detent ..and you can cut and slash with it, unlike many Italian knives which are better suited to getting olives out of a jar.
The karambit was an Ebay cheapy...I do some martial arts and I wanted to try one out before committing to an expensive karambit, it came from Indonesia as I said, I have no idea what the blade steel is ( the tilite is Aus8 I believe )................

btw a question for you guys.........I bought a Spyderco Endura with a wave feature, this was apparantly a prototype, a forum knife from a US forum..VG10 steel, black handle and silver pocketclip, I paid a bit for it but was pleased because there weren't any around.but now everyone and his dog has one, Just wondered if there is any difference in mine to the ones out now....I believe they still use VG10.
My latest and the one I've been carrying for about a week is this one


The info dosn't mention it but the steel used is CPM-S30V. I think it is one of the powdered steels as well.
Beautiful knife!
Mine is my Gerber Covert

I plan on getting the back swedge sharpened, too.


White River Knives

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