Do you have a minimalist kit, or a small survival kit? 

How big or small is it?

What do you have in it? why?

Pics and descriptions..

I have a few of them, in various sizes.  the recent discusion on waking up in the woods with only a knife brought up items one could fashion in the field, but it would be better to wake up with your kit strapped to your body. 

So give it a go, whatcha got in your bag o' tricks?

Tags: bug, edc, kit, mini, minimalist, out, survival

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I just got finished posting this when I found a thread on bug out bags, this IS similar, but Im thinking more like small zipper pouch that you have with you every day, in a pack, purse, glove box, strapped to your neck knife, in you bug out bag, etc, not to try and re hash and old thread..ya know the altoids tin full of all you need.


In my pocketbook I carry a sewing kit, a paracord bracelet, a lighter and a few knives.  As you stated in another discussion, be prepared!

Just a few Jan?

James, I know where you're coming from.  I have things I carry with me all the time, and then I have things that are for potentially long term emergencies.   I have things that are kept in the car, items kept at work, and items that go with me when I'm going hiking/fishing.  I think it makes perfect sense. I don't want to take a three day bug-out bag with me everywhere I go.

Somethings are always with me while other items are close at hand.  I have actually down-sized my Everyday Emergency Kit, opting to keep things stashed at work, in the car and at home. And these items are focused on what I think I will need  for that location

For instance I keep a change of clothing, two pair of socks, two pair of underwear and spare shoes at work.  I also have a two foot long stainless steel pipe that could be used to cause blunt force trauma hidden in a desk drawer just in case. As it doesn't look like a weapon, I don't have to fear losing my job when someone opens the drawer!  There is no need to keep a large first aid kit at work as there is one mounted to the wall outside my door.  I also don't need fire fighting equipment.

I also have something that can break tempered glass and also enough heavy duty extension cords to reach the pavement from my fifth floor office should the situation warrant such an event!   (I really don't want to find out if its going to work!)

Tonight I'll take a picture of my fishing vest and the minimalist emergency kit that I keep in it. When I start putting the fishing vest together, I was looking at the minimum stuff I needed to go fishing with an ultralight rod for a day. I wanted it to be light enough to wear while walking or hiking to the two lakes that are one to three miles from my house.  After adding a small first aid kit, I realized, if I added a few other items, it could be a pretty good emergency vest and if I was wearing it to go fish I wouldn't be thrown in with the crazy zombie apocalypse crowd. (not that there is anything wrong with that crowd!)

Essentially the the addition of the fishing pole makes me an avid angler instead of a prepper!  LOL

Yes how many is a few Jan ?    6 /8 /10 .

LOL guys usually just three or 4

You know something I never think of as a survival object that hangs out in my pocketbook??  A mirror, sure hopr I would think of it if I needed it

I don't have a minimalist or small survival kit, except the small kits in a couple of my survival knives, which both contain the basic stuff, including fish hook and line, 2 or 3 waterproof matches, a Band-Aid, blood coagulant and a needle and thread. 

I have a larger kit that's a 3-day emergency kit that contains a bunch of first aid supplies, a space blanket, a multi-tool, a magnesium fire starter, waterproof matches, 4 packets of drinking water, water purifier tablets, a few granola bars and chocolate bars, a signaling mirror, a compass, some soup packets, some crackers, some canned sardines, an LED flashlight with spare batteries, a small AM/FM/weather radio, a note pad and pencil, a small plastic tarp, a yellow plastic poncho, a pair of gloves and some other stuff.

I also have a fishing backpack that contains all of the items listed in the paragraph above, except for a much smaller first aid kit and less food, but also includes a box of fishing tackle, a small grappling hook with 50-ft. of climbing rope, 50 ft. of paracord, a flashlight, two rocket flares, toilet tissue, insect repellent, gloves and some other stuff.

I carry a Swiss army knife and a fixed-blade hunting/survival knife with a half-serrated blade and a hollow handle.  I also carry a 6-ft. long, 1-1/2 inch diameter bamboo hiking staff that I fitted out with a retractable spear blade and has 25-ft. of paracord wrapped around the handle end.  The top end contains the retractable spear blade and the bottom end is fitted with a fluted aluminum spider 2-1/2-inches in diameter for extra support and traction.

I should at least have this in my truck!

I have a larger kit that's a 3-day emergency kit that contains a bunch of first aid supplies, a space blanket, a multi-tool, a magnesium fire starter, waterproof matches, 4 packets of drinking water, water purifier tablets, a few granola bars and chocolate bars, a signaling mirror, a compass, some soup packets, some crackers, some canned sardines, an LED flashlight with spare batteries, small note pad and pencil, a small plastic tarp and some, a pair of gloves and some other stuff.

No!  Not a hollow-handled knife!  

Unless -- is it made out of one piece of steel?  Chris Reeve Knives made a hollow-handled survival knife out of one cylinder of steel.  Schrade made something very similar for a far lower price, & it may also be one piece of steel.

Cold Steel's Bushman & Bushman Bowie have cylindrical handles that you could seal off with a bicycle tire tube or even a condom, wrap it with cord & tape & it should fit the bill.

Otherwise, anything from Harbor Freight or with a plastic handle is likely just get destroyed under anything more than the lightest use.  

Anyway, I love the inclusion of the radio!  Does it have a usb charger for cell phones?  I've gotta get something like that that is small but can charge a phone with solar, battery, or hand crank...

And TP = genius.

Terry Waldele said:

I don't have a minimalist or small survival kit, except the small kits in a couple of my survival knives, which both contain the basic stuff, including fish hook and line, 2 or 3 waterproof matches, a Band-Aid, blood coagulant and a needle and thread. 

I have a larger kit that's a 3-day emergency kit that contains a bunch of first aid supplies, a space blanket, a multi-tool, a magnesium fire starter, waterproof matches, 4 packets of drinking water, water purifier tablets, a few granola bars and chocolate bars, a signaling mirror, a compass, some soup packets, some crackers, some canned sardines, an LED flashlight with spare batteries, a small AM/FM/weather radio, a note pad and pencil, a small plastic tarp, a yellow plastic poncho, a pair of gloves and some other stuff.

I also have a fishing backpack that contains all of the items listed in the paragraph above, except for a much smaller first aid kit and less food, but also includes a box of fishing tackle, a small grappling hook with 50-ft. of climbing rope, 50 ft. of paracord, a flashlight, two rocket flares, toilet tissue, insect repellent, gloves and some other stuff.

I carry a Swiss army knife and a fixed-blade hunting/survival knife with a half-serrated blade and a hollow handle.  I also carry a 6-ft. long, 1-1/2 inch diameter bamboo hiking staff that I fitted out with a retractable spear blade and has 25-ft. of paracord wrapped around the handle end.  The top end contains the retractable spear blade and the bottom end is fitted with a fluted aluminum spider 2-1/2-inches in diameter for extra support and traction.

   some great kits out there, here is my largest minimal kit, I used a carry case for a nintendo DS, got it on clearence at wally world.  so we have a wistle, CRKT spork thing, silva compass, a tube of waxed twisted cord, stuffed with as much 550 cord I could get in it, space blanket, magnesium bar with ferro rod, a liquid match devise, 2 trioxain fuel tabs, a book of matches. 

this one goes in my day pack for hikes into the woods, or where ever my fancy takes me, the nice thing is I can toss it into a regular old back pack to go anywhere and no one is the wiser to it. not that survival kits are secret or anything but low profile is nice.  Prepper has become a dirty word for nut-job with guns thanks to those stupid TV show...anyway, off the soapbox I step...and my trusty Trekker Swiss Army knifeDollar not included..!

Okay so here is my small EDC kit that goes in my day bag(man purse if you must), which is a Redrock outdoors, sling pack, kinda cute...very versital.  pics of that too. and what i keep in there.

so there you have a minimalist type kit inside of a "overprepared boyscouts" little back pack, that he totes everywhere, and my CZ75-p07 9mm fits right in the middle if I cant carry it on the hip.  so I don't know if this qualifies as minimal, maybe to some, but not to others.  next post...pockets!


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