I'm not sure if it was just guys that I was around when I was just getting my feet wet in serious knife collecting back in the 1970's, but it always seemed guys acted like the Case 54 yellow Trapper was a sacred thing. Is there still a lot of interest in yellow Case Trappers today? Or was it just the old North Carolina/Tennessee collectors back then?

At any rate, I need to get one sometime.

Tags: Case, Trapper, yellow

Views: 443

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I think its still a hot commodity, although I have the smaller version. I mean its the yellow right?

The yellow Case mini Trapper is popular too today. Back in the "old days" there seemed to be a good bit of interest in the Standard Trapper in yellow handles, at least with a number of the Carolina/Tennessee collectors. They seemed a bit bonkers over the Standard Trapper in yellow handles, for whatever reason......or maybe it was just some of the guys I was around here and there.

Here is my yellow Case Mini Trapper.  It was my second Case knife and the first one I bought.  I bought it at SMKW.  My first Case knife was given to me.

Nice one Charles! 

My Yeller Trappers

I only have one yellow Trapper, but I do like it.


White River Knives

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