AIK CUSTOM Mikov Czech Republic w/ Mosaic Abalone & File Work

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Comment by Adams Intl Knifeworks - AIK on June 16, 2017 at 12:14

If you ever want to poke around and check out our custom pieces and other knives we offer you can check out adamsknifeworks.com. 

Comment by Adams Intl Knifeworks - AIK on June 16, 2017 at 12:14

Here is a picture of it with the blade open. 

This one has been sold but we are working on another MIKOV like this now.  It features Special Rope Pattern Hand File Work is featured on the Backspring. Plus additional file work on the liners, lever, and center spring (located under the lever).  Has Abalone Handles.  It is an exclusive piece by us that you wont be able to find with the hand file work and abalone handles. 

It is an auto like Dale said.  It operates via a leaf spring. When flipping the lever downward acts as the safety.  To open you flip the lever upward and depress it which activates the leaf spring.

In Memoriam
Comment by D ale on June 16, 2017 at 11:00


Yuppers .. it's an auto .. It's a leverlock design.

Lift the lever & swing it forward ..then.. press down over the fulcrum, which is the raised edge of the front bolster & it lifts a sear pin out of engagement with a hole in the blade. One of the safest auto locking mechanisms for pocket carry of an auto .. imo.

They are readily available in kit form & a few of us here have built some. Also .. they are quite friendly when modifying for south-paw operation.

Also, MIKOV makes the only (mass produced) "field replaceable" springs in their design that I'm aware of. One can pop the spring out and have a simple leverlock if one needs to meet local requirements of the law. Although, it would likely then be considered a gravity knife.

Anyway .. the field replaceable spring is a feature unique to MIKOV. To the best of my knowledge, anyway. AND .. they are extremely reliable. Comparisons have been made drawing an analogy between the AK47 & the early M16 designs. One .. you could drop in the mud .. drive over it .. pick it up & it would still work reliably. The other .. not so much.

!!! .. Indeed .. this one is done up right nice .. !!!

Comment by dead_left_knife_guy on June 15, 2017 at 19:49

Please post a photo of the knife open!  Also, is this an auto?  I'm not usually a fan of autos, but there are a few exceptions -- if this is an auto, I'm guessing it will be one of those exceptions...

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