Made these knives for my 6year and 3year old sons. They have been taking them to kindergarten to show off to there friends for the past week...

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In Memoriam
Comment by John McCain on December 24, 2013 at 21:42

Steve, Did you happen to see which way the horse went ??  I've looked North,South,East, and West.-Can't find that darn horse anywhere !!  If I wasn't crying because it is too true, I'd be laughing !!

Comment by Jakub Capek on December 24, 2013 at 16:01

Thanks for all your positive comments! I would like to add to what John McCain had written. It is gradually creeping in on everybody everywhere, this politically correctness anti gun/knife rules/hysteria. I grew up in the 80s in Canada and back then it seemed to be just the beginning. We couldnt carry pocket knives, nor t-shirts with obsene pictures or language, but otherwise I could have a knife on me outside of school. I did get caught with nunchucks by the police when I was 14, and they confiscated them... Supposedly they were illegal to carry... In the Czech Republic it is okay to have any type and length of knife on you. This will probably change, because Germany has strict knife laws as do other surrounding countries. All in all I must say that people should use common sense and not go beserk over something as innocent as carrying a pocket knife! I mean, its not the knife or gun that kills, but the person who uses it. I am very happy that my kids can show off their wooden knives to their classmates and nobody thinks anything negative of it.  

In Memoriam
Comment by John McCain on December 23, 2013 at 23:48

Well done Jakub, and I am glad your kids can take them to school and share them with their friends, and be normal youngsters. Sad to say, here in the USA, they would probably be suspended or even expelled from school for bringing even a wooden knife to school !!  Insanity and lack of common sense sometimes rule here, and children have been expelled for carrying such "dangerous items" as a set of nail clippers or nail file !! Yes,unforunately, there has been tragic violence in some of our schools, but now it seems, that hysteria is the "new normal" and common sense went out the window !! Just my two cents worth --

Comment by Jakub Capek on December 23, 2013 at 13:32

Thanks, I had a good time making them, and it is great to see that the kids are happy and enjoying playing with them. Now they are asking me for "bigger" wooden knives!

Comment by Jason Oncedisturbed Riley on December 23, 2013 at 11:08

top job

Comment by Max McGruder on December 23, 2013 at 10:51

Well done! They look fantastic!

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