Large oak & glass display case from early 1900's. Appears completely original. Not sure where this will fit in the house!

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Comment by Bryan W on August 10, 2016 at 20:00

Thanks! I did wind up selling it in the end, but made a nice profit!

In Memoriam
Comment by D ale on August 10, 2016 at 6:06

!!! .. Ah man .. extremely cool .. !!!


It it weren't a sin .. I'd blatantly admit to being envious.


That is simply .. SWEET.


O0o, man .. just read the entire thread of posts .. so very sorry you cannot find SOME way of getting it to fit somewhere in your home. I would seriously consider JJ's post !!!

Comment by Sue OldsWidow on October 11, 2015 at 20:07


Comment by Bryan W on October 11, 2015 at 17:18

Thanks guys.  Well, we tried today and unfortunately this awesome display will simply not fit well anywhere in the house.  I definitely need to find one about 1/2 the size of this one.

As a result, I have a long distance friend that is interested in case this happened.  Not sure we can get it to him however.  In any case, I will be listing it in the "For Sale" section tonight with a few more photos.

I appreciate the interest and encouragement!  Bummer for me but I would love for it to go to a good home!

In Memoriam
Comment by John McCain on October 11, 2015 at 17:01

Beautiful old display-- I certainly would love to own it--- Curiousity has got the best of me, I'm afraid- Is there any inscription on the brass placard on the front of the display??-- BTW, seriously envious !! LOL

Comment by Steve Scheuerman (Manx) on October 11, 2015 at 16:22

I'll bet you sure can find a use for it...but if for any reason you can't, I'd sure consider taking it off your hands. That would look smart with my other wood and glass displays. Though I'd bet shipping would be exorbitant. Lol. It is truly gorgeous, Bryan. Great score!

Comment by Bryan W on October 11, 2015 at 12:25

Well, if it honestly does not fit anywhere, I would need to sell it....which would be such a bummer...

Comment by J.J. Smith III on October 11, 2015 at 0:08
Might have to design a new room around this.
Comment by Steve Scheuerman (Manx) on October 10, 2015 at 22:49

Oooo...I have a place for that!! LOL

Comment by Jan Carter on October 10, 2015 at 22:34

LOL, bet you find a place!  Exceptional find Bryan, what will go in it? 

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