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Comment by Lars Ray on November 10, 2024 at 6:05

Excellent news regarding Son - so glad to hear that is he well on the path to "Soccer grade" recovery. 

I'm hip to your other comments - msg received. 

Stay tough, stay focused, and stay frosty Amigo - we're here when you need us.

Gonic swiatlo dzienne!

(Chase the daylight! - which simply means to never miss a moment to better the world around you) 

Comment by dead_left_knife_guy on November 9, 2024 at 23:07

Kevin & Lars, thank you, so much, for caring so much about someone whom you do know a bit, but have never met.  I sent you both my original reply, but because it included some political content, I realized I should send it to you privately, instead of posting my reply publicly.  I will say here that I very much appreciate the care shown for me & my family -- hemophilia is a rare & expensive disease that will be with him all his life, and we're so incredibly lucky that he's currently insured, & that the incredibly expensive medication he's currently taking probably saved him from a lot more suffering than what he experienced when his appendix burst -- it may have even saved his life (he bled a lot more from the burst appendix than he did from the appendectomy that followed, and both could have bled much, much more without that medication). 

And of course, that burst appendix could've been fatal without medical attention -- as it was, even with an appointment in the clinic, he ended up in the ER pretty quickly -- & then they took a day to decide to actually perform the surgery...  But he's recovering really well, almost a month post-surgery.  And it would've been so much worse without the incredibly expensive medication he's on to reduce bleeds... 

And of course, the incredible care team we had at Children's Hospital, to whom we're forever grateful.  It's because of them that my wife & I are able to have the best birthday gifts of all -- two healthy (or at least getting healthy) teenagers.  I'll definitely be thinking of the staff of Children's at Thanksgiving -- not to mention everyone here, for all the well-wishes, which really do mean a lot, & don't let anyone ever tell you different.

Comment by Kevin D on November 4, 2024 at 21:22

Dang dude.

That is indeed a tough month.  Lars certainly speaks on my behalf...  Just let us know what we can do to help.

Comment by Lars Ray on November 4, 2024 at 20:00

Wow dude....I certainly did not expect this kind of response. Is Son home yet? If he is then we can assume he is on a solid path of recovery with little or no complications. And Dad? How is he...healing I hope?

Sorry - I can't speak to cats or dogs - but I appreciate and respect their role as family mamenbers. 

And the contact is closing months earlier than planned - and in the Holiday season to boot. 

OK dude - so what's the plan? What are your immediate needs and how can all of us here at iKC help out? 

Yea - I went out on a limb and spoke on everyone's behalf. 

Comment by dead_left_knife_guy on November 3, 2024 at 14:16

Thanks, Lars!  Yeah, it was a rough October, really rough -- but everyone survived it.  We spent 5 days in the hospital with my younger son after his appendix burst & he's still in the process of recovering (& this is the one who has hemophilia) -- this was truly life-threatening.  Our cat was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism & now needs meds twice daily (which she hates & fights me over twice daily), our dog started experiencing digestive issues that she hasn't quite yet conquered, my elderly father had a fall & is now seriously considering assisted living, and on Halloween I learned my project-based job would be ending in a week or two, a couple months ahead of schedule.  And this was both my & my wife's birthday month...  Fingers crossed it gets better from here!

Comment by Lars Ray on November 3, 2024 at 13:08

There it is...I was wondering if you were going to post these this year. Good to see them!

White River Knives




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