Any I.D.E.A what this knife is?
What the handle material is?
What approximate value is? (AUD)

Views: 123

Albums: German Knife
Location: South Australia

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Comment by Vinnie on April 18, 2022 at 1:54
I should have added. The style of knife is usually described as a "Scout" or "Boy scout" knife (although that doesn't necessarily imply that it was specifically made with that intention) or sometimes a Sport Knife (as opposed to other classic German styles like Nicker or Jagdnicker etc)

The more I look the more the handle suggests stacked black Micarta and Faux Ivory Micarta.

By Solingen standards of decorative knives, the little hunting scene on the blade (man shooting at fleeing deer) is a little basic as is the Eagle on the handle, but hey! there could be collectors out there that seek some of the more obscure Solingen brands.

It is, however, a nice looking knife in a classic German style

At one time every man and his dog in Solingen had a foundry making all sorts of sharp edge things like hunting knives, table knives, carving knives, straight razors, safety razor blades, scissors etc.

So many version of the "Scout Knife" from so many manufacturers
Comment by Vinnie on April 17, 2022 at 21:58
Ackermannchen. Not such a common older Solingen brand, all that I've seen are decorative. No idea what the handle is made of without physically handling it. Some made in Solingen, like this example. Some Heidelberg. Some Italy for Ackermannchen although more appear to be folders.

I've seen more Ackermannchen carving sets than hunting knives.

Age? probably somewhere between 1950 and 1970 but could be older. The style suggests 1960's

I'm hesitant to suggest a value on almost all knives ~ nothing is worth anything unless someone wants it and is willing to pay

However I've seen one similar a few years back go for $75 AU, and also a pair, one about the size of yours, and a matched larger version go for $270 AU the pair.

Personally I wouldn't pay more than $75 AU

White River Knives

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